Gut Revive
Good guts
The gut’s role in a healthy life cannot be over-emphasised. A balanced diet leads to a balanced gut with a thriving biome. And a happy gut biome returns the favour by keeping you healthy and illness-resistant. Sound simple enough, except that modern lifestyle is the very nemesis of friendly gut bacteria. This is where gut health supplements can come to your aid and help you make a positive change. Atmantan Naturals’ Gut Revive is a Pre-biotic mix that heals, repairs and nourishes the gut - the epicentre of digestion, immunity, weight, brain function, emotions, happiness and sleep. Everything we consume influences our gut microbiome either negatively or positively. This prebiotic food supplement is an all-in-one gut formula that helps fix the intestine and revives the healthy you!

Gut Revive Benefits

Nourishes and repairs the gut

Nourishes the gut microbiome

Rebuilds Gut Flora

Superior Pre-biotic Mix

Increases Immunity

All-in-one gut health solution
Heal from within I Healthy Gut for a Healthy You


Poly dextrose


Fructo Oligo Saccharides

Resistant Dextrin
How does Atmantan Naturals Gut Revive improve health?


Inulin - Prebiotic. Improves digestion.

Polydextrose - Prebiotic. Helps manage certain chronic conditions

Isomalto Oligosaccharide - Improves digestive health. Decreases bloating and flatulence. Reduces Cholesterol levels.


Resistant Dextrin - Counters Insulin Resistance. Improves serum lipid levels. Strengthens the liver. Manages blood sugar levels.
Is This For You?

Anyone and everyone fighting

Skin Disorders

Unpredictable Gut health

General Lack of Wellness

Autoimmune Conditions


Metabolic Issues

Post-recovery Imbalances

Frequent Infections
How should I have Atmantan Naturals Gut Revive?

10 – 20 gms per day. Blend 2 teaspoons of gut revive into water, juice or smoothies Store in a cool and dry place

Get the most out of Atmantan Naturals Gut Revive by combining it with Atmantan Naturals Omega 3. This combination improves blood circulation and general health thanks to all the beneficial short-chain fatty acids.
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did You Know?

Heal From Within
NATURALS - The founding Team of healers tell us about the what, how & why of Naturals
Key Benefits

Helps manage Autoimmune Conditions

Powerful Antioxidant

Improves Gut Health

Fights Inflammation

Fights Food Sensitivity

Better Nutrition


Improves Skin Health

Immunity Booster
Know Your Gut Better
Our gut health refers to a balance of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract, and perform physiologic functions in many parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Looking after the health of our gut and there-in maintaining the right balance of these microorganisms, is crucial for physical and mental health. An unhealthy gut leads to a wide range of health issues including obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune conditions, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and mental health concerns.
Microorganisms (which include bacteria and archaea) are the crucial gut microbiota that is responsible for gut health, and these live in the digestive tracts of vertebrates including humans, and insects. Alternatively, these are also called gut flora and the gut microbiome.
While digestion (which starts in the mouth), is a highly essential function in the human body, as it prepares food for absorption. The body, hence, needs an efficient mechanism to absorb nutrients and repair the possibly damaged structures. Prebiotics improve calcium absorption, enhance the body’s processing of carbohydrates, and support the probiotic growth of gut bacteria. All this enhances digestion and metabolism!
Prebiotics contain live microorganisms that help maintain and improve the ‘good’ bacteria in the body, and being high-fibre foods, they act as food for our gut microflora!
Having natural prebiotic supplements, fibre-rich foods, lesser sugar, and other healthy dietary protocols, with the right sleep, fitness and reduced stress can all help enhance gut health.
Life is complicated. Gut health doesn’t have to be.

Why should I take Atmantan Naturals Gut Revive?

Heals, repairs and nourished damaged gut

Nourishes and reinoculates gut microbiome

Helps manage Autoimmune conditions

Stops frequent infections

Boosts immunity

Helps manage allergies and food sensitivities

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals Gut Revive
Vs Other supplements

Natural Ingredients


No Side-effects


Gut Friendly

Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A 51 year old gentleman with a history of Ankylosing spondylitis (an inflammatory disease that can over time even cause some of the bones in the spine to fuse) with the Auto-immune marker HLAB27 positive (Ankylosing spondylitis has no known specific cause, though genetic factors seem to be involved) decided to consult with our Healers. In particular, people who have a gene called HLA-B27 are at a greatly increased risk of developing ankylosing spondylitis, however, only some people with this gene develop the condition). He also complained about pain in his left knee, due to which his gait was waddling mildly and he was limping a tad too.
He wished to align his posture and reduce his knee pain. Upon his Doctor consultation, it was realised that he had a history of high cholesterol and his blood reports also showed a high C Reactive Protein (A high CRP reading is a sign of acute inflammation). He was recommended Physiotherapy for his range of motion at the spine level was compromised and he even suffered from a hunched back. There was also a mild leg length discrepancy.
The prescribed treatment modalities consisted of rehabilitation exercise a grain-free diet along with freshly made kadas to combat chronic inflammation. He was also immediately given Atmantan Naturals’ Super Antiox 6 supplement (as an antioxidant) Boswellia Max (to reduce joint swelling), Natflam 6 (for reducing systemic inflammation), Defence Max (Improves immunity and supports auto-immune conditions) Omega 3 (Improves Cardiac Health) and Gut Revive (Nourishes and Repairs the Gut).
As the Doctor regularly corresponded with the guest, it was seen that in a month or so his cholesterol markers had improved, along with his range of motion which had increased and the stiff muscles had started easing up as well. His postural improvements were even evident to the naked eye.
The guest was well on his way to a superior and improved lifestyle and had decided to stick to the plan as far as possible to improve his quality of life.

A 63-year-old male patient who had been diagnosed as suffering from Hypertension for the last 20 years and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) for the last 10 years consulted with our healers looking for much-needed relief.
During the Doctor’s consult, along with his case history of high Blood Pressure and IBS, he also mentioned his complaints of cervical and lower back pain, along with feeling constantly fatigued. The guest also had a surgical past history of Coronary Angioplasty conducted 6 months ago! (Presently he was consuming medications for hypertension, antiplatelets to prevent clots and statins for high cholesterol!) He also complained of loosely formed stools and incomplete evacuation of bowels. (As per him, he passed 4-5 times motions a day).
After some added tests, the guest was prescribed a low carbohydrate and moderate fat, anti-inflammatory diet, along with dietary probiotics. All this was supplemented with Atmantan Naturals’ Gastrocare (to treat H Pylori and bloating), Gut Revive (a superior pre-biotic mix that repairs and nourishes the gut), Digestive Enzymes (for gut health and to curb gut inflammation), a combination especially recommended as an IBS management kit, and Anti-Ox 3 (a lipid antioxidant to improve the vascular health and to reduce oxidative damage).

Stressed out and fatigued, this 73 year old gentleman got in touch with the Naturals Healers to learn to better manage his hypothyroidism. He also suffered from associated insomnia & carpal syndrome symptoms.
Blood investigations and Autonomic Nervous System tests were conducted to evaluate the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic balance
While being overweight, he was also suffering from arthritic pain and neck stiffness; The plan was to address his weight, joint swelling, and sleep enhancement.
The diet was recommended with controlled calorie portions along with NATURALS’ supplements of Thyrocare (For improved thyroid performance and weight management), Gut Revive (Nourishes the gut microbiome), Boswellia Max (Reduces pain and swelling in the joints), Relax Aid (mood balancer & promotes sound sleep) and Omega 3 (For general health).
All these help restore hormonal balance and relaxed the mind and body. He was recommended physiotherapy for his carpal tunnel syndrome as well. For fitness, he was recommended yoga, meditation and stretching along with hydrotherapy classes.
His recovery was gradual yet consistent. Soon he felt his joint swelling improve as his range of movement was improving. He also within a week got rid of his allopathic sleeping pills and weight loss had also begun! Considering he was in his early 70s, he still lost weight thanks to his new improved lifestyle (almost 7-8 kilograms) and this made him feel great. Even as a hypothyroid case study, these were brilliant results in weight loss.
The guest was extremely pleased with how his body had responded to the diet plan and lifestyle and he continued with the prescribed diet and supplement plan.
It is a combination of herbs and nutrients that supports the integrity of the colon, feeds healthy bacteria, boosts immune functions, encourages healthy cytokine activity, improves gut barrier functions and aids repair.
This combination has a great gut-cleansing action and helps to rebuild gut flora. Since most diseases start in the gut, this combination can help you recover from autoimmune disorders and poor gut health.
An unhealthy gut is a gateway to diseases. This is a unique double-edge combination that helps repair the gut and fights infection.
- A vital dietary fibre that aids weight loss, and combats diabetes by controlling blood sugar. It is known the reduce the risk of diseases like colon cancer, counters constipation, and improve digestion.
- This prebiotic helps with managing diabetes and brings down the inflammatory markers in pre-diabetic cases.
- Isomalto Oligosaccharides. This prebiotic carbohydrate improves nutrition absorption, aids digestive health, decreases bloating and flatulence and aids bowel movement. It’s known to improve the body’s house-cleaning faculties, reduce body odour and lowers cholesterol levels.
- Fructooligo Saccharides. A dietary fibre that can protect against unhealthy bacteria, tackle food poisoning and feeds the good bacteria in the gut.
- Resistant Dextrin. This healthy fibre counters liver insulin resistance and improves serum lipid levels. It can stimulate pancreatic insulin release and intervene in glycogen breakdown and thus help manage blood sugar levels.