Natflam-6 Safe and Effective - Natural Anti-Inflammatory Supplements
Atmantan Naturals' Natflam-6 is a powerful natural anti inflammatory supplementant. This combination of six natural plant extracts helps fight daily inflammations that debilitate in many ways. They help down-regulate the Th1 cytokine inflammatory response in the body - which though vital in the face of real threats, can be like bombing a peaceful village when the immune system is overactive. This plant-based remedy reduces pain and inflammation, without inducing any negative side effects.

Natflam-6 Benefits


Pain Reliever

Fights infections

Relieves from acute allergies
With All Natural Extracts And Ingredients Only





Cissus Quadrangularis

Alpinia Galanga
How does Atmantan Naturals' Natflam-6 help manage the root cause of inflammation?


Cissus Quadrangularis Natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory

Curcumin Potent anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial

Guggul aids in managing bad cholesterol

Rasana Nourishes at cellular level for better maintenance and repair

Alpinia Galanga Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory

Alpinia Galanga Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory
This combination is extremely powerful as a stress buster and it induces deep relaxing sleep.
Is this for you?

Atmantan Naturals’ Natflam-6 is for anyone fighting…

Chronic Inflammation



Systemic inflammation like rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, flu, asthma
How should I have Atmantan Naturals' Natflam – 6?

1-2 tablets right after food.
Here are some combinations that can be taken along with Atmantan Naturals Natflam – 6 to better manage certain conditions

Atmantan Naturals' Boswellia Max
For better pain relief

Atmantan Naturals' Omega 3
For relief from systemic inflammation

Atmantan Naturals' antioxidants
For oxidative stress of cardiovascular issues, diabetes and high cholesterol

Atmantan Naturals' Dia-Solve
For inflammatory PCOD

Atmantan Naturals' EasyFlow
For viral-induced fibroid or endometriosis
Note: Pregnant women and Nursing mother should consult with your doctor before taking this medication.
Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did you know?

NATURALS - The founding Team of healers tell us about the what, how & why of Naturals
Key Benefits of Natflam-6 Anti-Inflammatory Supplements

Feel Stronger

Improved Performance

Fights infections

Fights inflammations

Reduces discomfort

Relieves from Acute allergies

Battle Asthma

Fight Autoimmune Issues

For Dysmenorrhea and PCOD Management
Know inflammation better
Inflammation is the defensive response initiated by our immune system. It is the body's way of calling out to the immune system to heal and repair.
There are 2 types inflammations:
While Inflammation is an essential survival mechanism for the body as it helps the body fight hostile microbes and repair damaged tissue.
Acute inflammation

Rapid. Usually happens within minutes

Generally short-lived

Cell-cleaning and repair mechanism

Destroys invading microbes

Affected/inflamed area returns to a state of balance within a few hours or days
Chronic inflammation

Harmful rather than helpful to human health

Begins with the same cellular response, but morphs into something chronic

The immune system fails to eliminate the problem

Inflammation is active even after the threat has been eliminated

If unchecked, the immune system prompts the white blood cells to attack healthy tissues and organs

Causes issues like Rheumatoid Arthritis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and asthma
Our immune system responses are regulated by various cytokines (such as interferons, interleukins etc.). And our immune response is broadly classified into Type 1 and Type 2 immunity.
(i) The Th1 refers to the cytokine-mediated immune response generated by TH1 cells against the intracellular parasites such as bacteria and virus.
(ii) The Th2 TH2 refers to the cytokine-mediated immune response generated by TH2 cells against large, extracellular parasites such as helminths.
For most infections, the Type 1 immunity is protective. And the TH1 immune response that occurs through the production of cytokines are pro-inflammatory responses, that are responsible for killing the intracellular organisms and for continuing an autoimmune response!
We need to counter these effectively and the special Natflam – 6 combination is an extremely potent herbal formula that is anti-inflammatory and effectively counters these very pro-inflammatory responses!
Don’t get used to pain. Do something about it.

Why have Atmantan Naturals' Natflam 6?
Atmantan Naturals’ Natflam 6 formula is unique as…

Conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medications stall the formation of pro-inflammatory prostaglandin by blocking the cox pathways. The issue with blocking Cox 1 and Cox 2 (main enzymes in this biosynthetic pathways) is that it puts our immune system on the back foot in the face of real threats! The Natflam - 6 formulation however instead of blocking the body’s normal functions, inhibits the very synthesis of the 2 series prostaglandin (otherwise known as biological modulators), helping the body be naturally alert against threats!

All inflammation pathways are addressed effectively with this potent combination, as it helps manage all general, systemic (e.g., diabetic wound) and local (area affected by the harmful stimulus) inflammation.

This formula even Increases the formation of anti-inflammatory markers.

Natflam 6 when consumed does not interfere with the natural working and functions of the body.

With no side effects, this is the afest anti-inflammatory.

For most infections, it is the Type 1 immunity that is protective. The TH1 immune response occurs through the production of cytokines that are pro-inflammatory responses, that are responsible for killing the intracellular organisms and for continuing an autoimmune response in the bio-system.

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals’ Natflam 6
vs others

Natural Pain Reliever

Alleviates Autoimmune Issues

Better Immunity


Gut Friendly

All Natural

Nerve and Muscle Friendly

No Side-effects

Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A 21 year old young man suffering from osteo arthritis, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and a consequent weight gain. He also had been suffering from childhood Asthma (since the age of 5). Along with all this and thanks to his hectic lifestyle, he was also suffering from gastric issues such as bloating, burping flatulence along with a disturbed sleep.
Looking for relief for symptoms of IBS which had further aggravated due to lack of sleep he was advised to improve his lifestyle and dietary habits. He was told to improve his sleep hygiene, take on yoga and other fitness; He was also recommended a grain free diet to combat the inflammation, he was told to supplement his diet with Atmantan Naturals’ Relax-aid (for sleep), Gastro care (for gut health), Boswellia Max (to combat inflammation and joint pain), Natflam 6 (for musculoskeletal pain), Pro-Collagen (to enhance bone and joint health), Fat Blazer (increases metabolism and modulates hunger), and Laxo Fresh (improves digestion and addresses gastric issues).
After 3 months of following the recommended diet and supplementation all his symptoms of gastric irritation had subsided, even his acidity and bloating was gone! (His bowel movement has regularised too).
His sleep (on most days) had doubled to 8 hours of restful shut-eye instead of the 4 hours he use to get. Even his osteo induced pain had reduced, and he had lost some weight (10+ kgs) as well thanks to the improved lifestyle.
This young guest had with the guidance of the doctors managed to improve his lifestyle and associated lifestyle disorders. People like him are always an inspiration to others, and it is never too late to get started on a healing journey.

A 78-year-old well-travelled male came with complaints of severe shoulder and neck pain associated with neck stiffness and restricted movement of the shoulder joint as well. He also had severe body ache with fatigue throughout the day. He was also on statins so as to keep a check on his cholesterol.
After his initial Doctor consultation and diagnostics he was advised to take on extensive physiotherapy and some acupuncture sessions.
His prescribed diet was a low carbohydrate, low fat one with moderate protein while keeping him away from any cholesterol spike. Along with this anti-inflammatory diet, he was also put on supplements of Natflam (to combat systemic inflammation), Boswellia Max (to reduce pain and swelling in the joints), Dia-solve (to improve glucose-lipid metabolization) and Nutri Liver (to improve liver health).
In 2 months, the changes in his pain scale and range of motion were there for everyone to see!
His shoulder pain and disability was reduced by more than 80%; Even his total cholesterol which was 241 mg/dl at the time of consultation had reduced to 195 mg/dl! Along with all of this, his weight parameters had also improved; the above results were accompanied with a 6 kgs of weight loss along with a reduction in the Visceral fat reading of 2 points.
Needless to say, the gentleman despite his age had had an impressive recovery and was inspired to continue with his improved lifestyle thanks to his visible results.

This 70 year old lady guest got in touch with our healers in September of 2022, with the hope of getting well after several life changing incidents.
She had been diagnosed with primary lung cancer (for which she had undergone Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy in March ‘22). She had also been previously diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019, for which she had gone through a lumpectomy. Another health concern was her back, as she suffered from a prolapsed intervertebral disc and also had spinal surgery in 2010. Recently she had also suffered the loss of her husband, and she especially felt anxious and depressed.
Along with her deteriorating health conditions, she constantly felt tired, fatigued and was experiencing a loss of appetite along with low energy. All this had severely lowered her confidence levels.
She wanted to heal. She was put on a diet plan that consisted of a low carbohydrate and a moderate protein and fat one. She was prescribed super foods with plenty of antioxidant rich ingredients and probiotics to help set the gut and revive immunity. Apart from the dietary prescription, she was also put on supplements that enhance the recovery and immunity; these supplements were Atmantan Naturals’ Curcumin+ (Contains pure turmeric extract and is an immunity booster), Anti-Ox 3, Super Anti-ox 3 (Anti-Oxidants) Nutri liver, Natflam 6 (for inflammation), and Defence Max (natural viral defence and boosts immunity).
She was told to take up grief counselling and also to compulsorily partake in monitored group activities for fitness and social interaction. She was also recommended physiotherapy sessions along with certain energy healing therapies. Within the month itself, she started seeing transformative changes in herself…
– She noticed her sleep had improved
– She felt more energetic
– Her appetite had also started to return and she felt she could eat at meal times
– And her body felt more supple and lighter and all the above was accompanied with mood elevation and the same was confirmed by the Naturals Doctor who was monitoring her progress. She was slowly and steadily becoming her positive self again and felt better in her day-to-day life.

A 51 year old gentleman with a history of Ankylosing spondylitis (an inflammatory disease that can over time even cause some of the bones in the spine to fuse) with the Auto-immune marker HLAB27 positive (Ankylosing spondylitis has no known specific cause, though genetic factors seem to be involved) decided to consult with our Healers. In particular, people who have a gene called HLA-B27 are at a greatly increased risk of developing ankylosing spondylitis, however, only some people with this gene develop the condition. He also complained about pain in his left knee, due to which his gait was waddling mildly and he was limping a tad too.
He wished to align his posture and to reduce his knee pain. Upon his Doctor consultation, it was realised that he had a history of high cholesterol and his blood reports also showed a high C Reactive Protein (A high CRP reading is a sign of acute inflammation). He was recommended Physiotherapy for his range of motion at the spine level that was compromised and he even suffered from a hunched back. There was also a mild leg length discrepancy.
The prescribed treatment modalities consisted of rehabilitation exercise along with a grain-free diet along with freshly made kadas to combat the chronic inflammation. He was also immediately given Atmantan Naturals’ Super Antiox 6 supplement (as an antioxidant) Boswellia Max (to reduce joint swelling) and Natflam 6 (for reducing systemic inflammation).
As the Doctor regularly corresponded with the guest, it was seen that in a month or so his cholesterol markers had improved, along with his range of motion which had increased and the stiff muscles had started easing up as well. His postural improvements were even evident to the naked eye.
The guest was well on his way to a superior and improved lifestyle and had decided to stick to the plan as far as possible to improve his quality of life.
Atmantan Naturals Natflam-6 is the most powerful anti-inflammatory combination of six natural plant extracts. All these help down-regulate the Th1 cytokine inflammatory response in the body. This plant-based remedy reduces pain and inflammation without inducing any negative side effects.
Atmantan Naturals Natflam-6 helps in managing musculoskeletal issues such as arthritis, spondylosis, pelvic inflammatory conditions, and other systemic inflammations. This also helps in managing auto-immune conditions that stem from underlying inflammation.
Dysmenorrhea is a very common gynaecological issue which causes tremendous discomfort and pain. Atmantan Naturals Natflam-6 is a synergy of six natural plant extracts inspired by the traditional Ayurvedic knowledge that helps with this and many other gynaecological conditions, including the pain associated with dysmenorrhea.
Alpinia Galanga is an effective alternative to NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) and corticosteroids that are usually used to address inflammatory disorders. Galanga has anti-inflammatory properties, and it blocks histaminic and serotonin pathways.
Curcumin (Turmeric) is an anti-inflammatory agent and it is suggested that its beneficial effects are mediated by the up-regulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) activation which has great anti-inflammatory functions.
Guggul has been used across the ages as an anti-inflammatory plant for helping with acne, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, and many other conditions. It also plays a role in promoting weight loss, managing hypothyroidism, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Rasana is beneficial in reducing inflammation and joint pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. With great antioxidant properties, it can also reduce oxidative stress and help the kidneys.
Key Ingredients
Cissus Quadrangularis is a medicinal plant that is used for many ailments, especially for the management of Rheumatic disorders & haemorrhoids. It is known to reduce pain and inflammation associated with haemorrhoids, as well as reduce the size of haemorrhoids.
Alpinia Galangal is a perennial medicinal plant whose various parts, including its leaves, roots and rhizomes, all have therapeutic properties. They help with disorders such as inflammation, gout, rheumatism, obesity, and disorders of lipid metabolism.
Ginger. We use the purest form of Ginger extracts that are known to effectively manage all inflammatory conditions.
If you have health concerns that might be due to chronic inflammation or arthritis, then consult with our Healers now!