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Fertility has become one of the main challenges of modern life. PCOD, food changes, stressful environments, and hormonal imbalances are far more common now than back when our grandmothers delivered twelve children like it was just another Sunday. Rather than waiting for the moment when your biological clock screams the 11th-hour alarm, a few steps taken early on, not only improve your health but also make sure you are fertile and ready, for when you begin to prepare for motherhood. Atmantan Naturals Ovu Plus, our natural supplement for fertility, is an ancient Ayurvedic formula that addresses infertility right at the early stages, improves ovulation and boosts female fertility. This fertility booster supplement supports a healthy estrogen–progesterone balance, while also promoting healthy cellular immunity. This incidentally is also the best herbal formulation for PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and is among the most sought after supplements for Uterine Fibroids. This fertility herbal supplement enhances conception conditions while supplementing pro-reproductive nourishment.

OVU PLUS Benefits

Supports estrogen–progesterone balance

Improves Ovulation

Combats Infertility

Improves PCOS

Herbal cure of Uterine Fibroids
Fertility minus the stress I Re-Claim Youth With all Natural Herbs and Extracts only
Supplement Facts (Each 1000 mg tablet contains):

Cimicifuga Racemosa – 250mg

Drypetes roxburghii – 100mg

Chaste tree – 100mg

Red clover – 200mg

Ashwagandha – 200mg
How does Ovu Plus, an ovulation supplement, help regulate the menstrual cycle?
How does Atmantan Naturals Ovu Plus improve health?


Cimicifuga Racemosa – 250mg - Induces Ovulation especially in PCOD. Improves Fertility.

Drypetes Roxburghii – 100mg - Fertility Enhancer.

Chaste Tree Berry – 100mg - Progesterone Booster. Follicle Stimulating Hormone Inhibitor.

Red clover – 200mg Fertility Enhancer.

Ashwagandha – 200mg - Anti-inflammatory. De-stressor.
Is this for you?

Who is Atmantan Naturals Ovu Plus for?



Irregular Menstruation

Uterine Fibroids

Pre-menstrual Stress
How should I have Atmantan Naturals Ovu Plus?

1-2 tablets everyday after meals

Get the most out of Atmantan Naturals Ovu Plus by combining it with Atmantan Naturals Omega 3. This combination improves blood circulation and general health thanks to all the beneficial short-chain fatty acids.
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
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NATURALS - The founding Team of healers tell us about the what, how & why of Naturals
Key Benefits of Natural Fertility Booster Supplements

Infertility Support

Menstrual Relief

Better Nutrition



Pre-menstrual Relief

Regular Periods

Fibroid Management

PCOD Relief
Know fertility & Ovulation Better
While the average menstrual cycle is 28-35 days, ovulation usually happens between days 11 and 21 of the cycle. When the hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH) surges, it triggers the release of the egg that's most ripe. At the same time, the cervical mucus becomes more slippery to help the sperm make its way to the egg.
Ovulation lasts anywhere from 12 - 24 hours. After the egg has been released by the ovary, it survives for about 24 hours before it dies. A sperm should be able to fertilise it then; an ejaculated sperm can survive in the reproductive tract for 5 days.
Successful ovulation hence usually means one is fertile.
Most women's peak reproductive years are between their late teens and late 20s. And by the age of 30, fertility starts to decline (more rapidly in the mid-30s). By 45, fertility declines to a point that natural pregnancy is more unlikely for most women. In context, estrogen levels also begin to gradually fall when women are in their 40s. Even while women will continue to ovulate and menstruate post the mid-40s, the periods may become irregular or less frequent. Many females are born with all the immature egg follicles they will ever have (about 1 to 2 million). And even out of them, only about 400,000 will remain at the start of menstruation (and this occurs around the age of 12).
Ovulation is precious and should be treated and taken care of. The right diet and lifestyle along with a potent supplement go a long way in enhancing fertility despite underlying genetic issues.
Fertility minus the stress

Why should I take Atmantan Naturals Ovu Plus?

Improves Fertility

Prevents Miscarriages

Hormonal Balance

Thyroid Balance

Regular Periods

PCOD Management

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals Ovu Plus
Vs Others

Natural Ingredients


No Side-effects


Gut Friendly

Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A 42-year-old woman was diagnosed case of PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) and suffered from irregular periods, indigestion, bloating and fatigue. All this had also led her to have a lot of anxiety, insomnia and depression over the last six months. She was also upset with the associated weight gain.
She was previously on sugar-normalising allopathic medications along with allopathic hormonal medications to regularise her menstrual cycle. She has been taking the hormonal pills for the last 3 months but had stopped them on her own now as they didn’t make her feel good; when she chose to also stop her allopathic hormonal pills, she then also stopped getting her periods. All this had only added to her stress but she was adamant to look for more natural ways of healing.
She decided to get in touch with the Atmantan Naturals Healers to better her condition. After the Doctor’s consultation, who also studied her recent reports, she was immediately started on Dia-Solve (to improve insulin sensitivity), Omega 3 (Essential fatty acids to improve health), Ovu plus (to support a healthy estrogen–progesterone balance) and Easy flow (essential PCOD support that also helps regularise the period cycle). She was also recommended a low-carb diet.
She was advised to sign up for certain acupuncture sessions along with acupressure in her city and was told to religiously take on yoga and exercise daily.
After just a week her menstrual cycle resumed (without consuming allopathic hormonal pills)! Even her sleep quality and her gut health started getting better as she reported zero bloating or indigestion!
In the last six months she has lost 6+ kilograms of weight and her menstrual cycle has completely regularised and is on the due date!
Her results as reported were:
- Her weight had dropped by 6+ kgs, from 75.8 kgs to 69 kgs,
- Her menstrual cycle which was earlier once in 90-100 days had now regularised to one every 24-28 days!
- Her Sleepwhich had been disturbed and interrupted was now a continuous 5-6 hours on average daily!
Atmantan Naturals Ovu Plus improves female fertility. This combination nourishes and supports the endocrine system and enhances the chance of conception. It also helps with a lack of ovulation and may help prevent miscarriage.
Hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance, and infections are the common reasons for female infertility. Among these, hormonal imbalance is the most common and likely. This herbal combination corrects hormonal imbalances like estrogen dominance, luteal phase deficiency etc. and improves female fertility.
When it comes to infertility, one-third of the cases happen due to female infertility issues, one-third due to male infertility and one-third because of both parties and unidentified causes. Atmantan Naturals Ovu Plus is a supplement which, when taken along with a good nutrition plan, addresses the real cause of female infertility.
- Cimicifuga Racemoseor black cohosh is very effective in balancing estrogen levels (helps in estrogen dominance) and can also relieve menopausal symptoms.
- Chaste Tree Berry has many health benefits related to female fertility. It increases progesterone levels and helps in the ovulation.
- Ashwagandha – Ashwagandha enhances the endocrine system and thus helps regulate the thyroid and adrenal glands. These glands are responsible for maintaining the balance of the reproductive hormones and hence play a very important role in the treatment of female infertility.
- Red clover- Red clover is a botanical traditionally used among midwives to support fertility and reproductive health (estrogen regulator).
- Drypetes Roxburghii – this herb has been shown to increase the ovarian follicular count as well as the number of mature eggs.