Pro Collagen
Goodness that you see and feel in your bones
Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body. This antidote for ageing keeps us glowing with health. Great skin, flexible joints, strong bones, healthy gut - it can all be traced back to collagen. Atmantan Naturals’ Pro-Collagen is a pure marine collagen that replenishes skin strength and elasticity, replaces dead cells and keeps the bones, joints and tendons juicy and healthy.

Pro Collagen Benefits

Marine Collagen

Improves skin, bone and cartilage health




Hydrolysed Collagen

Ascorbic Acids
How does Pro-Collagen anti-aging supplements benefit me?
This combination is a



Hydrolysed Collagen

Ascorbic Acids
Is this for you?

Who is Atmantan Naturals' Pro-Collagen for?

The effects of ageing

Low bone density

Creaky joints

Lower performance capacity like athletes and dancers over 30

Premature wrinkling
How should I have Atmantan Naturals' Pro-Collagen?

Blend 2 teaspoons of Atmantan Naturals' Pro-Collagen into water, juice or smoothies, or as prescribed by our doctors

Get the most out of Atmantan Naturals Relax-Aid by combining it with Atmantan Naturals' Omega 3. This combination improves skin, bone, cardiovascular, gut health.
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did you know

NATURALS - The founding Team of healers tell us about the what, how & why of Naturals
Key benefits of natural collagen supplement

Marine Collagen

Improves skin, bone and cartilage health

Anti-aging Vitaliser

A Pure Collagen supplement, not just a collager booster
Know the collagen in your bio system better
Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body and is also the crucial antidote for ageing. As the main component of connective tissue, it is the most abundant protein in mammals, making up from 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein content.
It is found in our skin, muscles, bones, tendons and in our digestive system!
Naturally Collagen is essential for good health then.
It's benefits are seen immediately externally as collagen is what gives our skin strength and elasticity, along with replacing the dead cells.
Internally, collagen is the glue that holds our body together, giving our joints and tendons mobility. Collagen is also known to increase hydration, elasticity, roughness and density of the skin, increase in joint fluids etc. Along with all this, it also builds the integrity of the gut epithelial lining thereby addressing leaky gut syndrome!
However, as we age our body starts producing lesser and lesser collagen, and hence it is a good idea to even start taking pure collagen between the ages of 20 and 30 (as the body's natural collagen production starts to significantly decrease by the age of 30). The tell tale signs are that the skin becomes thinner, drier, and less elastic. And the loss of collagen also leads to wrinkle formation.
The fact is that after 35 there is no point even having a collagen booster (like plant collagen) as the body’s collagen production itself is minimal!
Since there is no plant collagen, the way to supplement the body with collagen is to depend on sources like Bone broth, eggs, meat etc.
Goodness that you feel in your bones

Why should I have Atmantan Naturals' Pro-Collagen?

This is pure marine sourced, which is the best form of recommended collagen supplement

Benefits include skin strength and skin elasticity

Replaces dead skin cells

Helps manage osteoporosis or other degenerative bone disorders

Fixes damaged gut lining

Is pure collagen and so it is anti-ageing

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals’ Pro Collagen

All Natural

Gluten Free

No Side Effects

Improves Skin Quality

Improves Health

Top Quality Sources


Stronger Joints

Improved Mobility from Juicy Cartilage
Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A 21-year-old young man suffering from osteoarthritis, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and a consequent weight gain. He also had been suffering from childhood Asthma (since the age of 5). Along with all this and thanks to his hectic lifestyle, he was also suffering from gastric issues such as bloating, burping flatulence and disturbed sleep.
Looking for relief from symptoms of IBS which had further aggravated due to lack of sleep he was advised to improve his lifestyle and dietary habits. He was told to improve his sleep hygiene, and take on yoga and other fitness; He was also recommended a grain-free diet to combat the inflammation, he was told to supplement his diet with Atmantan Naturals’ Relax-aid (for sleep), Gastro care (for gut health), Boswellia Max (to combat inflammation and joint pain), Natflam 6 (for musculoskeletal pain), Pro-Collagen (to enhance bone and joint health), Fat Blazer (increases metabolism and modulates hunger), and Laxo Fresh (improves digestion and addresses gastric issues).
After 3 months of following the recommended diet and supplementation, all his symptoms of gastric irritation had subsided, and even his acidity and bloating were gone! (His bowel movement has regularised too).
His sleep (on most days) had doubled to 8 hours of restful shut-eye instead of the 4 hours he use to get. Even his osteo-induced pain had reduced, and he had lost some weight (10+ kgs) as well thanks to the improved lifestyle.
This young guest had with the guidance of the doctors managed to improve his lifestyle and associated lifestyle disorders. People like him are always an inspiration to others, and it is never too late to get started on a healing journey.

A 30-year-old endurance athlete came in to consult with the Atmantan Naturals healers with the motive to regain his flexibility and ease his muscle spasm. With a history of surgery for a fractured limb, which had rendered him incapable of continuing his regular workout at the intensity before.
The muscle spasm had also resulted in compromised mobility, while fatigue and flexibility concerns had risen primarily due to disuse post-surgery. He was thus seeking a prescription to improve his fitness levels so that he could return to his regular exercise routine.
Post the consultation, our Doctor advised him to go in for daily physiotherapy to regain his strength and endurance. He was told he needed to relax the muscles, and improve flexibility with passive stretches and other aided personal fitness workouts.
His prescribed diet was also to be structured around high protein, moderate fat, and low carbs. This diet was supplemented with Atmantan Naturals’ SUPER ANTIOX 6 (to prevent oxidative damage), CURCUMIN+ (anti-oxidative and immunity enhancer), OMEGA 3 fatty acids (for cardiovascular health), and PRO-COLLAGEN (for skin, bone and cartilage health).
Within a month itself, he started seeing tangible improvements. His endurance had improved and he felt his body had become more supple he was even able to perform movements in the transverse plane!
His sincerity with the diet and regular physiotherapy had tremendously improved his postural scale and body equilibrium, which was back to almost normal now. He had healed from his severe muscle spasms, and as an athlete felt his body was now lighter and fitter.

A 20-year-old girl contacted our Healers with complaints of acne, black pigmentation around the neck (acanthosis nigricans), irregular menstrual cycle and increased weight. Through all this, her primary concern was her skin discoloration and the tendency of frequent acne, all of which had affected her self-confidence and made her frustrated and introverted.
In her initial consultation, the Doctors upon taking her detailed medical history realised there was a prominent history of hormonal imbalance. She was told to get certain blood tests and sonography done. Her blood works and reports confirmed that she was diagnosed with the polycystic ovarian disease. Her blood reports also showed a Vitamin B deficiency as well as that of crucial minerals such as Zinc, Magnesium and Selenium.
She was given a lifestyle plan to address all her concerns such that the root cause would be treated, however, her prime concern was that of her skin.
It was explained to her that the diet a lifestyle correction would target reversing her insulin resistance, thereby creating a cure for hormonal imbalance.
She had also recently gained weight, for which she was recommended an exercise regime, along with a prescribed diet that was predominantly grain free, with moderate protein and low carbohydrates.
She was also given NATURALS supplementation of Omega 3 fatty acids (Alleviates symptoms of eczema), Pro-collagen (for skin and bone health), Hair Skin Formula (as a source of Zinc, selenium etc. for hair and skin repair), Dia-Solve (improves insulin sensitivity) and Ovu Plus (that supports a healthy estrogen–progesterone balance).
Her results were heartening. Initially, her pigmentation was grade 3, which over 2 months eventually dropped to grade 1! Thanks to an improved hormonal balance and regular workouts, there was a significant weight loss as well of 9 kgs and even the anthropometric measurement revealed a significant reduction in waist-to-hip ratio.
Thanks to this hormonal imbalance natural treatment, she had also let go of her social phobia. Since her acne had also almost disappeared, and the older marks had also lightened, she became a happier self and decided to continue to practise a better relationship with food.

A 20-year-old young girl who was suffering from recent weight gain (over the last 6 months), darkened discolouration at the back of the neck, inner thighs and under arms, also had complaints of cystic acne and thickened white discharge (with a history of a vaginal yeast infection).
No investigations had been conducted for her and she had simply been treated with antibiotics and topical steroids for her skin. After the antibiotic course, she even started developing severe nausea and the acne on her skin increased instead of decreased.
As a conscious youngster, she was desperately looking for a solution to her weight and pigmentation. She got in touch with our healers.
Certain blood tests were recommended and upon results, the Doctor realised that she was insulin resistant and that her infection was of a fungal origin!
She was immediately started on Atmantan Naturals’ Supplementation of replenishment with a higher dose of Omega 3 fatty acids along with Dia-Solve (for Insulin efficiency), Pre-gut (Prebiotics for gut health), Hair Skin Formula (Repairs hair and skin), Pro Collagen (for skin, bone and cartilage health), and Nutri Liver (Enables liver detox and health). Besides this, she was also prescribed a therapeutic meal plan that also consisted of fasting therapy along with a high intake of antioxidant-rich foods.
She was also told to take on a routine that consisted of 1-2 hours of fitness activities daily consisting of a mix of Yoga and cardio workouts.
She was under the monitoring of the Naturals Doctor and had stayed on track with the recommended programme. She started noticing changes as she started losing weight (She lost 6 kgs in the following weeks) and her vaginal discharge had also completely disappeared.
There was also a significant reduction in the dark black discolouration at the back of her neck, her underarms, and her inner thighs; Naturally, her state of mind had also improved tremendously. Her insulin resistance had also lowered (evident from weight loss and changes in her blood markers) due to the Omega 3 fatty acids, Dia-solve along with a low carbohydrate diet that she was following. This transformation along with the desired weight loss had created positive changes in her attitude as well.
Collagen is recommended as an anti-aging supplement. Besides improving the texture of the skin, it also helps increase joint fluids and fixes the gut lining. The objective of taking this supplement is to bring back youth for both men and women!
Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body and is also a crucial antidote for ageing. It is found in our skin, muscles, bones, tendons and in our digestive system. Its benefits are very immediately felt as it is what gives our skin strength and elasticity, along with replacing dead cells. Collagen is the glue that holds our body together, giving our joints and tendons mobility. Collagen is known to increase hydration, elasticity, roughness and density of the skin, increase joint fluids etc. It can build the integrity of the gut epithelial lining thereby preventing leaky gut syndrome.
Collagen is a protein that is essential to maintain the health of the bones, tendons, ligaments, skin, hair and nails. This natural Collagen formula helps to maintain the integrity of all these tissues and to keep them young and healthy. Collagen can also help in preventing early wrinkles and sagging of the skin including those in the facial skin, therein making you look youthful and vibrant.
The chief content of this product is Collagen, which is 100% protein. As a protein Collagen primarily has three amino acids- glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These improve the health of connective tissue, skin, hair and nails. Each amino acid has a specific function in our body. Other protein supplements like whey can be consumed for muscle recovery and building muscle strength. Hence even if you are on a protein supplement, you can still take collagen along with that.