Easy Flow
A little less period drama
An average woman goes through around 450-period cycles. And for a lot of women, that’s about 3500 days spent wrenching in pain, while having to function like an average human being. While some wait on ‘menstrual leave’ becoming a standard in every job contract, we at Atmantan Naturals have created something to help you get through those days with a little more ease. Atmantan Naturals Easy Flow consists of natural herbal components that help in regulating your menstrual cycle. It eases female hormones and supports hormonal balance. It also helps induce regular menstrual cycles while alleviating the symptoms of PMS. This is an ideal natural supplement for menstrual and period cramps.

Easy Flow Benefits

PCOD support

Eases menstrual cramps

Balances female hormones

Regularises the period cycle

Alleviates pre-menopausal symptoms and stress (PMS)
A little less period drama I Menstrual Cycle Regulator
With all Naturals Extracts only

Symplocos Racemosa

Saraca Asoca

Ficus Glomerata

Asparagus Racemosus

Black Cohosh
How does Easy Flow Supplement help ease the menstrual cycle naturally?
How does Atmantan Naturals Easy Flow improve health?


Symplocos Racemosa - Balances Heavy Period. Anti-Inflammatory. Astringent.

Saraca Asoca - Antioxidant. Anti-toxicity. Anti-carcinogen.

Ficus Glomerata - Anti-inflammatory. Uterine Health.

Asparagus Racemosus - Phytoestrogen. Regulates Hormones and Period Cycle.

Black Cohosh - Regulates Periods.
Is this for you?

Who is Atmantan Naturals Easy Flow for?


Irregular menstruation


Pre-menstrual Stress or PMS (Premenstrual syndrome)


Menopausal Symptoms
How should I have Atmantan Naturals Easy Flow?

1-2 tablets every day after meals

Get the most out of Atmantan Naturals Easy Flow by combining it with Atmantan Naturals Omega 3. Among menstrual cramps supplements, this combination improves blood circulation and general health thanks to all the beneficial short-chain fatty acids.
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did you know?

A little less period drama
NATURALS - The founding Team of healers tell us about the what, how & why of Naturals
Key Benefits of Natural PMS Supplements

Improved Health

Menstrual Relief

Better Nutrition



Pre-menstrual Relief

Regular Periods

Fibroid Management

PCOD Relief
Know your menstrual cycle better
The woman’s menstrual cycle commences about two years after the body hits puberty (between the ages of 9-16 years approximately) the monthly series of changes a woman's body goes through in preparation for the possibility of pregnancy.
This cycle which is counted from the first day of one period to the first day of the next (is supposed to be a 28-day cycle) varies from woman to woman and might occur every 21 to 35 days and last two to seven days.
The four main phases of the menstrual cycle are
-the follicular phase,
-ovulation and
-the luteal phase
Some common menstrual problems include heavy or painful periods and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The menstrual cycle might be regular (i.e. about the same length every month) or be sometimes irregular along with the fact that the periods may be light or heavy, painful or pain-free, long or short, and still be considered normal. Within a broad range however normal can vary... ultimately normal is what feels normal to you! Do also keep in mind that at time ovary related syndromes, uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammation or the use of certain types of contraception, such as extended-cycle birth control pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs), along with stress or a sudden lifestyle change also tend to alter the menstrual cycle.
One also tracks the menstrual cycle to know the most likely times to conceive, as certain days in the cycle are the most fertile days that increase the chances of pregnancy. And we need to remember that the cyclical changes in the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle are a significant biological influence on the female body, both physically and emotionally. Menstruation is governed by a tightly coordinated mechanism that controls the levels of ovarian estrogen and progesterone, which produce varying responses in diverse tissues and organs. The skin, the largest organ in our body, is supplied with estrogen and progesterone receptors, and hence the monthly fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone influence our skin surface, (including lipid secretion and sebum production), the thickness of the skin, deposition of subcutaneous fat, moisture content of the skin and also the integrity of the skin. This monthly cycle can also affect the collagen content of the skin which provides elasticity to the skin and prevents premature wrinkles. (The higher levels of estrogen in the body can also influence skin pigmentation and susceptibility to UV damage). Thus treat your monthly cycle like a friend rather than a foe. This discomfort, and/ or abnormalities during periods that women suffer from can reduce, managed, or even considerably reduced with the right diet, lifestyle correction, supplementation, and medical diagnosis.
A little less period drama

Why should I take Atmantan Naturals Easy Flow?

Helps with Hormonal balance

Regulates menstrual cycle

Regularizes Periods

Promotes PCOD management

Lessens cramps

Enables Premenopausal Ease

Treats metabolic diseases excess fat storage around the belly etc.

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals Easy Flow
Vs others

Natural Ingredients


No Side-effects


Gut Friendly

Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A 42-year-old woman was diagnosed case of PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) and suffered from irregular periods, indigestion, bloating and fatigue. All this had also led her to have a lot of anxiety, insomnia and depression over the last six months. She was also upset with the associated weight gain.
She was previously on sugar-normalising allopathic medications along with allopathic hormonal medications to regularise her menstrual cycle. She has been taking the hormonal pills for the last 3 months but had stopped them on her own now as they didn’t make her feel good; when she chose to also stop her allopathic hormonal pills, she then also stopped getting her periods. All this had only added to her stress but she was adamant to look for more natural ways of healing.
She decided to get in touch with the Atmantan Naturals Healers to better her condition. After the Doctor’s consultation, who also studied her recent reports, she was immediately started on Dia-Solve (to improve insulin sensitivity), Omega 3 (Essential fatty acids to improve health), Ovu plus (to support a healthy estrogen–progesterone balance) and Easy flow (essential PCOD support that also helps regularise the period cycle). She was also recommended a low-carb diet.
She was advised to sign up for certain acupuncture sessions along with acupressure in her city and was told to religiously take on yoga and exercise daily.
After just a week her menstrual cycle resumed (without consuming allopathic hormonal pills)! Even her sleep quality and her gut health started getting better as she reported zero bloating or indigestion!
In the last six months she has lost 6+ kilograms of weight and her menstrual cycle has completely regularised and is on the due date!
Her results as reported were:
- Her weight had dropped by 6+ kgs, from 75.8 kgs to 69 kgs,
- Her menstrual cycle which was earlier once in 90-100 days had now regularised to one every 24-28 days!
- Her Sleep which had been disturbed and interrupted was now a continuous 5-6 hours on average daily!
Atmantan Naturals Easy Flow consists of natural herbal components that help in regulating the menstrual cycle. It helps to balance female hormones and corrects most gynaecological irregularities and infections.
Atmantan Naturals Easy Flow is designed to support the healthy hormones that keep you happy, relaxed and energetic. If you are dealing with discomfort during these periods of transition (menopause), then supporting your hormones can have surprisingly wide-reaching effects.
Your body uses hormones to regulate many of your body’s natural processes. This ranges from your mood to healthy skin. This product does not just hit the problem from one angle. It is loaded with a blend of herbs that give you maximum support.
Saraca Asoca – Asoka helps to manage various gynaecological and menstrual problems like heavy, irregular and painful periods. Asoka also has proved to be
beneficial in cases of leucorrhea.
Asparagus Racemosus – This herb’s adaptogenic properties may help regulate the body’s homeostasis and is known to promote fertility. It has proven to have a range of other health benefits, particularly for the female reproductive system.
Black Cohosh – BC has acquired significant attention for its hormonal effects, which have the possibility to alleviate female medical conditions, including menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, profuse sweating and disturbed sleep.
Ficus Glomerata & Symplocos Racemose – These Ayurvedic herbs can alleviate all gynaecological disorders. These anti-androgenic herbs are used in the treatment of fibroids and leucorrhoea.