Nutri Brain
Food For Great Thoughts
Happy mind, happy life. Mental health is just as important as physical health. And similarly, a broken mind needs the same attention that a broken bone needs. Unfortunately, our old ways of thinking and our new ways of living aren’t exactly kind to the mind. We continue to challenge our mental health with dysfunctional eating habits, lifestyle and then telling ourselves that we’re okay, instead of addressing or getting help. Atmantan Naturals Nutri Brain is a traditional, potent blend of herbs that improves the anxiety threshold, memory, focus and concentration. Amongst Brahmi supplements, this highly advanced formula enhances overall brain function, optimises memory, and improves emotional and cognitive health.

Nutri Brain Benefits

Improves focus and brain functions

Reduces inflammation

Improves blood circulation to the central nervous system
Feed your mind I Cognitive Health Formula With all Natural extracts and ingredients only



Gingko Biloba

Centella Asiatica
How Does Natural Nutri Brain Supplements Improve Your Cognitive Health?
This combination is a


Vacha which counters neurological, gastrointestinal, respiratory, metabolic, kidney, and liver disorders.

Brahmi 500mg - Traditional memory booster. Powerful antioxidant. Brain health improver.

Gingko Biloba – Which is an Antioxidant, that improves blood flow to the brain.

Centella Asiatica- Is a Memory Enhancer.
This combination is extremely powerful as a stress buster and it induces deep relaxing sleep.
Who Is Atmantan Naturals Nutri Brain For?

Anyone and everyone fighting

Memory loss


Cognitive decline

Brain fog

Mood swings

Sleep issues
How Should I Have Atmantan Naturals Nutri Brain?

1-2 tablets every day after meals

Get the most out of Atmantan Naturals Nutri Brain by combining it with Atmantan Naturals Omega 3. This combination improves blood circulation and general health thanks to all the beneficial short chain fatty acids.
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did You Know

Food For Great Thoughts
Key Benefits of Nutri Brain Mental Health Supplements



Emotional Balance


Improved Brain Function

Memory Booster


Improves Neuro-function

Deeper Sleep


Delays Dementia

Know Your Brain Better
The brain is probably the most complex organ we have.
Including gray and white matter, the brain contains the nerve cells, non-neuronal cells (which help to maintain neurons and brain health), and small blood vessels.
All this helps control our thoughts, memory, emotions, motor skills, vision, etc. along with every process that regulates our body!
Inflammation or a cytokine attack in the brain can impair us in multiple ways and can also manifest into related diseases; the trick is to address it rather than procrastinate.
The brain with its 3 units of the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain ensures a control centre for the entire bio-system. We all also notice an age-related decline in our brain function. Sometimes the other organs in the body also affect the brain.
A state of oxidative stress can lead to dysregulation of the inflammatory response, and this causes the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases. We all need to invest in the best supplements for anxiety to better manoeuvre on this wonderous world.
This brain formula addresses multiple pathways that are involved in ensuring our neurological health as this brain supplement supports oxidant, helps maintain the cytokine balance and the mitochondrial functions. By scavenging free radicals along with protecting the cells in the prefrontal cortex, this formula supports brain health and function, making this the safest of supplements for mental health!
Feed your mind

Why Should I Take Atmantan Naturals Nutri Brain?
This powerful formula…

Reduces inflammation

Improves blood circulation to the central nervous system

Improves memory functions

Relaxant and induces good sleep by balancing the nervous system

Improves brain function

Can help ADHD

Strong anti-inflammatory


Counters brain fog

Delays onset of dementia

Counters effects of senility

Anti-ageing for the brain

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals Nutri Brain
VS Others

Natural Ingredients


No Side-effects


Gut Friendly

Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A 51 year old guest had some other complex series of disorders of high Blood Pressure, hyper acidity, ED, weight gain, lack of sleep, allergies and all this had led to a compromised state of mental health.
He got in touch with the Naturals Healers to start working on his health and lose some weight.
He was recommended a detoxifying lifestyle including Yoga and Meditation, along with a low carbohydrate and a cleansing liquid diet. All this along with NATURALS supplementation of Gastrocare (to combat acidity), Relax Aid (for improved sleep and relaxation), Omega 3 (for improved cardiac and general health), Allergy Care (for improved immunity against seasonal allergies) and Nutri Brain (for improved blood circulation and brain functions).
These in unison brought about the much needed changes for the patient.
Over 4 months, he lost almost 8 kgs of weight along and his BP reading stabilised at 130/80. His anxiety attacks, his hyperacidity and his sleep had also improved considerably. In fact, while being in touch with the healer over these few months, he also noticed a visible drop in food cravings!
He was now in a more positive state and felt empowered in life; he wanted to live more proactively rather than in a defeatist manner and had promised himself an improved lifestyle after seeing such heartening results.

A 59 year old female guest with low morale had severe complaints of weight gain. With a history of having suffered from Appendicitis surgery and post her two C-Section deliveries, she had put on some weight. However a year after both her children were born, she was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism (24 years ago) and to make things worse, she was now since a year also suffering from type 2 Diabetes. She was suffering from mental stress which were only worsening her health parameters. She was on medications for both these along with blood pressure medication.
She was hoping the Atmantan Naturals healers would help her deal with her many health concerns along with addressing the associated weight gain!
She was very keen to take control of her life and turned out to be a very receptive guest who wanted to get well! After a detailed health consultation and report analysis, it was seen that:
Her HbA1C was at a high at 8 % while on medication (Normal Range should be below 5.7%) and even her fasting blood sugar was high at 172 mg/dL (below 100 is normal). Her Thyroid readings were normal as she was on medication (TSH – 0.077 mIU/L, T3 – 100.8ng/dL, T4 – 10.51µg/dL).
A Low-Carb-High-Fat diet which was also anti-inflammatory in nature. Along with she was advised to take on yoga, stretching and meditation was recommended. This was so that there would be an improvement the blood circulation along with assisting in fat mobilisation.
In order to accelerate her recovery, she was also put on NATURALS supplementation of Dia-Solve (which reduces insulin resistance and regulates blood sugar), Super Antiox 6 (To reduce free radical damage), Omega 3 (For cardiac health and to reduce thyroid resistance), Thyrocare (To regulate thyroid hormone levels) and Nutri Brain (To reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to the central nervous system).
After just a few weeks she saw inspiring results… She was a receptive patient who was rewarded with brilliant results!
- Her blood sugar had normalised with the help of diet and supplementation! Her fasting blood sugar was reduced to 99 mg/dL from 172mg/dL (and she was now consuming just half of the allopathic dosage).
- She had also achieved a weight loss of 5+ kgswhich was incredible considering she was suffering from hypothyroidism!
- She even lost 1 point of Visceral fat(Her Visceral Fat was 16 at arrival and 15 at departure)
She was very pleased with her achieved transformation and was determined to continue on the journey. She now felt empowered and positive that she was becoming a healthier person for her children and herself! She continued with her diet and supplements, and stays connected with our Doctors as she continues this healthy lifestyle.
This product is exciting in the natural health world for its offerings in optimal brain health and cognitive accelerations. It can dramatically influence brain development and regeneration, and thus improve our quality of life.
It is a unique combination of botanicals that support the control centre of the body. Ginko and Bacopa fight free radical activity, improve blood flow, increase nutritional status, and help to form healthy cell membranes in your brain, thereby reducing memory issues and brain inflammation.
Atmantan Naturals Nutri Brain addresses multiple pathways involved in neurological health. It optimises health by supporting oxidants, cytokine balance and mitochondrial functions. This smart brain herbal formulation rejuvenates the brain, promotes calmness and improves memory and concentration.
- Brahmi & Centella Asiatica. Highly researched with proven results in treating various brain disorders and improving memory. Promotes free radical scavenger mechanisms and protects cells in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and striatum against cytotoxicity and DNA damage implicated in Alzheimer’s.
- Ginko Biloba. Improves blood flow to the brain and acts as an antioxidant.
- Vacha or Sweet flag Extract. Known to calm nerves and improves memory. It helps to relax and counters stress and depression. This traditional Indian medicinal herb is used to treat a wide range of health ailments, including neurological, gastrointestinal, respiratory, metabolic, kidney and liver disorders.