The Ultimate Sleep Elixir - Natural Sleep Supplements
Get your beauty sleep as you de-stress with the Atmantan Naturals Relax Aid. This physician-formulated natural combination works as a natural sleep tonic and stress reliever. No matter what emotional or physical stress you might be in, this sleep aid helps maintain the body’s homeostasis. No more losing sleep over lost sleep. No more tossing and turning. Just wake up refreshed, day after day with this natural sleep tonic.

RELAX AID Benefits

Promotes sound sleep

Boosts happy hormones

Lowers stress hormones

Mood balancer

Sensitises serotonin receptors

Promotes cognitive health
With All Natural Extracts Only

Ashwagandha Extract

St. John’s Wort Extract

Magnolia Champaca
How Does RELAX AID Supplements Improve Sleep Naturally?
This combination is...


Ashwagandha is known to boost the secretion of happy hormones in our body

Magnolia Champaca balances the doshas and induces relaxation

St. John’s Wort reduces anxiety
This combination is extremely powerful as a stress buster and it induces deep relaxing sleep.
Is this for you?

Atmantan Naturals RELAX AID is for anyone and everyone fighting…


Anxiety issues

Mood disorders

High stress

Adrenalin fatigue
How should I have Atmantan Naturals RELAX AID?

1-2 tablets everyday after meals before bedtime

Get the most out of Atmantan Naturals RELAX AID by combining it with Atmantan Naturals Pre-Gut. This combination improves the Gut Brain Axis, allowing the body to not succumb to stress and anxiety, and thus relax.
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did you know?

Sleep so good that it’s the stuff of dreams
The 5 Common Sleep Disorders: Sleep Disorders - Part 1
Key Benefits of Natural Sleep Supplements
Sleep so good that it’s the stuff of dreams

Lowers cortisol (stress hormone) levels

Sensitises the serotonin (natural mood stabiliser that controls wellbeing and happiness) receptors

Balances neurotransmitters

Promotes sound sleep and cognitive health
Know your sleep better
Insufficient sleep or compromised sleep is a pervasive and prominent problem in our modern society.
As adults we should all get between 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily, but we rarely do.
Compromised sleep has significant repercussions in our life…

Causes adverse medical and mental dysfunctions

Chronic fatigue

Causes weight gain

Mood disorders

Poor respiratory health

Increases risk of cardiovascular disease

Reduces sex drive

Puts at risk of mental health and anxiety disorders

Increases risk of premature mortality

Susceptible to poor judgement
When our sleep cycle experiences the appropriate physiological sequences of non-REM (rapid eye movement) and REM states at night time, then this consolidated sleep ensures a longer duration and a better quality of sleep. This trumps the sleep indulged in/at odd times through the day (e.g. before or after the night shift, when suffering from jet lag, and due to other conditions of circadian misalignment).
Stress is also related to our sleep. We already know that high-stress levels impair sleep. It takes us longer to fall asleep, hence making our sleep more fragmented. This loss of sleep consequently triggers our body's stress response system; this in turn increases the secretion of the stress hormones (namely cortisol) and like a vicious cycle, the disruptive sleep pattern continues.
Well-rested is great for well-being.

Why is Atmantan Naturals Relax-aid better for a peaceful sleep?


Adaptogenic herbal combination

Natural stress reliever and sleep tonic

Unique combination

Lowers cortisol levels

Sensitises serotonin receptors

Balances neurotransmitters

Maintains the body's homeostasis during emotional or physical stress

Has Aswagandha extract that calms the body, lowers blood pressure and is a de-stressor

Has St. John’s Wort extract that relaxes the brain chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters

Has Magnolia Champak that improves general wellbeing, reduces stress and is anti-microbial

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals’ Relax Aid
Vs other sleep supplements

All Natural


No Side Effects

Improves Sleep Quality

Improves Health


Uninterrupted Sleep Cycles

Mood Stabilizer
Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A 21 year old young man suffering from osteo arthritis, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and a consequent weight gain. He also had been suffering from childhood Asthma (since the age of 5). Along with all this and thanks to his hectic lifestyle, he was also suffering from gastric issues such as bloating, burping flatulence along with a disturbed sleep.
Looking for relief for symptoms of IBS which had further aggravated due to lack of sleep he was advised to improve his lifestyle and dietary habits. He was told to improve his sleep hygiene, take on yoga and other fitness; He was also recommended a grain free diet to combat the inflammation, he was told to supplement his diet with Atmantan Naturals Relax-aid (for sleep), Gastro care (for gut health) and a Kada especially to treat the IBS.
After 3 months of following the recommended diet and supplementation all his symptoms of gastric irritation had subsided, even his acidity and bloating was gone! (His bowel movement has regularised too).
His sleep (on most days) had doubled to 8 hours of restful shut-eye instead of the 4 hours he use to get. Even his osteo induced pain had reduced, and he had lost some weight (10+ kgs) as well thanks to the improved lifestyle.
This young guest had with the guidance of the doctors managed to improve his lifestyle and associated lifestyle disorders. People like him are always an inspiration to others, and it is never too late to get started on a healing journey.

A 40-year old male had been suffering from GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease) associated with disturbed sleep and fatigue for over a decade. Since he also had a habit of late- night nibbling. His medical reports also indicated high LDH (Bad Cholesterol) levels, which is a marker for cell damage and inflammation along with a Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Upon his Naturals Doctor consultation, it was realised that he needed a complete change of diet along with correcting his gut dysbiosis. He was asked to take on a cleansing diet that included an alkalinising diet consisting of probiotics, and anti-oxidants. Along with this he was prescribed the Atmantan Naturals’ supplement – Gastro care that would help reduce inflammation and promote the healing of the gastric mucosa and Relax Aid to combat stress and disturbed sleep.
Over the next couple of months, thanks to the guidance of the doctors and his commitment, the patient’s blood works shows that his B12 had increased (From 291 pg/ml to 453 pg/ml), his LDH level had also reduced. The change in diet along with the supplementation had also reduced his reflux and his sleep had conspicuously improved too. The patient also felt his gut was now normalised and he continues with his supplementation, while trying to maintain a healthier diet in his day to day life.

A 51 year old guest had some other complex series of disorders of high Blood Pressure, hyper acidity, ED, weight gain, lack of sleep, allergies and all this had led to a compromised state of mental health.
He got in touch with the Naturals Healers to start working on his health and lose some weight.
He was recommended a detoxifying lifestyle including Yoga and Meditation, along with a low carbohydrate and a cleansing liquid diet. All this along with NATURALS supplementation of Gastrocare, Relax Aid, Omega 3, and Allergy Care.
These in unison brought about the much needed changes for the patient.
Over 4 months, he lost almost 8 kgs of weight and his BP reading stabilised at 130/80. His anxiety attacks, his hyperacidity and his sleep had also improved considerably. In fact, while being in touch with the healer over these few months, he also noticed a visible drop in food cravings!
He was now in a more positive state and felt empowered in life; he wanted to live more proactively rather than in a defeatist manner and had promised himself an improved lifestyle after seeing such heartening results.

Stressed out and fatigued, this 73 year old gentleman got in touch with the Naturals Healers to learn to better manage his hypothyroidism. He also suffered from an associated insomnia & carpal syndrome symptoms.
Blood investigations and Autonomic Nervous System tests were conducted to evaluate the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic balance
While being overweight, he was also suffering from arthritic pain and neck stiffness; The plan was to address his weight, joint swelling, and sleep enhancement.
The diet was recommended with controlled calorie portions along with NATURALS’ supplements of Thyrocare (For improved thyroid performance and weight management), Gut Revive (Nourishes the gut microbiome), Boswellia Max (Reduces pain and swelling in the joints), Relax Aid (mood balancer & promotes sound sleep) and Omega 3 (For general health).
All these help restore hormonal balance and relaxed the mind and body. He was recommended physiotherapy for his carpal tunnel syndrome as well. For fitness he was recommended yoga, meditation and stretching along with hydrotherapy classes.
His recovery was gradual yet consistent. Soon he felt his joint swelling improve as his range of movement was improving. He also within a week got rid of his allopathic sleeping pills and weight loss had also begun! Considering he was in his early 70s, he still lost weight thanks to his new improved lifestyle (almost 7-8 kilograms) and this made him feel great. Even as a hypothyroid case study, these were brilliant results in weight loss.
The guest was extremely pleased with how his body had responded to the diet plan and lifestyle and he continued with the prescribed diet and supplement plan.

A 42-year-old woman was a diagnosed case of PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) suffered from irregular periods, indigestion, bloating and fatigue. All this had also led her to have a lot of anxiety, insomnia and depression over the last six months. She was also upset with the associated weight gain.
She was previously on sugar normalising allopathic medications along with allopathic hormonal medications to regularise her menstrual cycle. She has been taking the hormonal pills for the last 3 months, but had stopped them on her own now as they didn’t make her feel good. with which she was not feeling good and stopped on her own; And when she chose to also stop her allopathic hormonal pills, she then also stopped getting her periods. All this had only added to her stress but she was adamant to look for more naturals ways of healing.
She decided to get in touch with the Atmantan Naturals Healers to better her condition. After the Doctor’s consultation, who also studied of her recent reports, she was immediately started on Dia-Solve (to improve insulin sensitivity), Omega 3 (Essential fatty acids to improve health), Ovu plus (to support a healthy estrogen – progesterone balance) and Easy flow (essential PCOD support that also helps regularise the period cycle). She was also recommended a low carb diet.
She was advised to sign up for certain acupuncture sessions along with acupressure in her city and was told to religiously take on with yoga and exercise daily.
After just a week her menstrual cycle resumed (without consuming allopathic hormonal pills)! Even her sleep quality and her gut health started getting better as she reported with zero bloating, or indigestion!
In the last six months she has lost 6+ kilograms of weight and her menstrual cycle has completely regularised and is on due date!
Her results as reported were:
- Her weight had dropped by 6+ kgs, from 75.8 kgs to 69 kgs,
- Her menstrual cyclewhich was earlier once in 90-100 days had now regularised to one every 24-28 days!
- Her Sleepwhich had been disturbed and interrupted was now a continuous 5-6 hours on average daily!

A 50- Year old man was suffering from benign prostate enlargement (BPE) and low testosterone level, along with a very disturbed sleep because of increased urinary frequency (which had along unfortunately developed into bedwetting).
He had tried a lot of medications to treat his BPE & low testosterone, but they were all in vain. He decided to consult with the Atmantan Naturals Doctors with the purpose of betterment; Upon his detailed consultation he was started on Prostacare (Is anti-inflammatory & improves urinary tract function), Testos-Max (To increase circulation to the genitalia and improve testosterone levels), Relax Aid (lowers stress hormones and promotes sound sleep) together along with a low carb and high protein diet. He was also recommended breathing exercises.
Within a week itself his bedwetting had stopped and he was ecstatic over this immediate improvement. He was asked to continue the same supplement for three months.
After three months, the blood reports proved positive changes in the testosterone levels! He also felt more relaxed as a person. Reports also showed that after 6 months, his post void urinal volume had significantly decreased which again implied an improvement in prostrate health!
His results could be summed up as below:
- Frequency of Urination which earlier was 4-5 times in the middle of the night had reduced to once and twice at the most!
- His Bedwetting had gone from ‘everyday’ to ‘zero’ in less than a week.
- His Testosterone Levels had also increased from 7 ng/dl to 11 ng/dl after 3 months!

A 23-year-old girl suffering from symptoms of gradual weight gain decided to connect with the Naturals healers.
Upon consultation it was revealed that the increase in weight (of around 8-10 kg) had all started happening within the period of 6 months. She also suffering from compromised sleep, had developed knee pain (which kept happening on and off) and this was hampering her state of mental health.
The Doctor and she worked on a plan to get her healthier and have her lose some weight in the process.
She was recommended a detoxifying lifestyle that was to include Yoga, and Meditation. Her diet plan designed along with low carbohydrate intake. She was also given a short-phase cleansing liquid diet which would taper into a low carb one. This diet was to be followed along with the Naturals supplementation of Junior Omega 3 (Essential fatty acids), Gastro Care (for improved Gut health), and Relax aid (for enhanced Sleep).
This uphaul was exactly what this youngster needed!
Over the following 3 months, she managed to lose almost 5 kgs of weight! Her sleeping pattern had significantly improved and even knee pain was also reducing slowly and steadily.
She felt like she had never been healthier, and her state of mind was one where she felt she could do anything she set her mind to! Her lifestyle had now changed for the better and she loved how actively she could live. She felt young again.

A 55-year-old man was suffering from pain in the groin area due to an inflamed prostate and use to experience painful urination.
He connected with the Doctors of Atmantan Naturals. In his consultation, complaints of obesity, lower back stiffness and pain, and the disturbed sleep he because of frequent urination were also discussed along with his initial concerns. He had previously tried a lot of medications, and the results were not satisfactory at all.
Post a detailed consultation, he was started with the Prosta Care (Anti-inflammatory & Improves Urinary Tract Function) and Relax Aid (Lowers stress & promotes sleep) along with a diet rich in micronutrients, antioxidants and low on carbs. He was also advised to avoid certain food items that could cause oxidative stress in the body.
As per his schedule, he was also to regularly told to participate in yoga and meditation. All this along with some few home remedies would help improve the circulation prostate region.
Within 2 weeks itself, his frequent urination had reduced! He also felt more relaxed and felt these were all positive changes in him. He was further advised to continue with his diet, and supplements for another 3 months.
After the following 3 months, his reports proved a reduced prostate inflammation!
His Results were as below:
- Reduced frequent urination (Initially, this urination use to happen 6-7 times at night time itself which had reduced to 3-4 times through the night).
- Reduced inflammation of the Prostate (Initially the weight of the prostate was about 60g which had now reduced to 48g in 3 months!)
- His Sleep pattern has also improved.
He seemed more energetic and positive as a person and had also managed to improve his lifestyle and eating habits.
The Ashwagandha root extract is used to improve sleep parameters in patients with insomnia and anxiety. Experts have found that it can block stress pathways in the brain and regulate chemical signalling in the nervous system. (These chemicals include neurotransmitters such as GABA and serotonin. While GABA – gamma-aminobutyric acid essentially calms your mind down, the serotonin regulates mood and sleep.)
St. John’s Wort stimulates the GABA receptor, a key gateway for sleep-inducing chemicals in the brain. St. John’s Wort helps the brain use the neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) serotonin, dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) more effectively. This leads to feelings of overall well-being and happiness and reduces symptoms of anxiety.
Long-term uncontrolled stress and sleep deprivation are primary factors leading to hypertension especially when you’re younger and think you can put your body through this harmful pace. Atmantan Naturals Relax Aid is a combination of three very strong medicinal plants- Ashwagandha, Champaca and St John’s Wort. Ashwagandha is known to boost the secretion of happy hormones in our bodies. Champaca balances the doshas and induces relaxation. St. John’s Wort reduces anxiety. This combination is extremely powerful as a stress buster and it induces deep relaxing sleep.
Atmantan’s Relax Aid is known to calm down the sympathetic nervous system and correct dysfunctions of the Autonomic Nervous System.
Atmantan Naturals Relax Aid is a physician-formulated natural combination which works as a natural stress reliever and sleep tonic. It helps to maintain the body’s homeostasis when in emotional or physical stress. This combination lowers the cortisol (stress hormone) level, sensitises the serotonin (sleep hormone) receptors and balances the neurotransmitters in the body. This plant-based formulation is a recommended natural sleep enhancer tonic.