Super AntiOx 6
Super Packed Longevity
Oxidative stress treatment supplements are your ally, if you’re looking for extra support to counter oxidative stress damage, ageing and for coping with certain advanced diseases. Right from diabetes to cardiovascular issues, and autoimmune skin issues to food intolerances, this powerful anti ageing supplement can protect and treat a lot of conditions. Packed with natural sources of powerful antioxidants, Atmantan Naturals' Super Antiox 6 helps fight harmful molecules in the body called free radicals and thereby restores health. Our longevity natural supplement is packed with Curcumin - for general health, Pomegranate - for cardio health, Green tea - lipid antioxidant, Cinnamon - lipid antioxidant and for diabetic neuropathy, Rosemary - skin and cellular antioxidant, Grape Seed extract – cardio-protective, anti-viral and anti-ageing. In short, this reverse ageing supplement is super packed with nourishing longevity.

Super AntiOx 6 Benefits

Powerful Antioxidant

Immunity Booster

Improves Skin & Gut Health


All-in-one Wellness
Reclaim Your Body I Longevity Elixir
With all natural extracts only

Cinnamon extract

Green Tea extract

Pomegranate seed extract


Rosemary extract

Grape seed extract
How Does Super AntiOx 6 Reduce Stress Naturally?


Cinnamon extract - 100mg - Antioxidant. Counters Diabetes

Green Tea extract - 100mg - Platelet Adhesion Suppressant

Pomegranate seed extract - 100mg - Reduces Oxidative Stress. Anti-carcinogen. Anti-acne.

Curcumin - 100mg - Antioxidant. Anti-inflammatory

Rosemary extract - 100mg - Powerful Antioxidant

Grape seed extract - 100mg - Improves Lipid Metabolism. Reduces Oxidative Stress
Who Is Atmantan Naturals Super Antiox 6 For?

Anyone and everyone fighting

Diabetic Neuropathy

Skin Disorders

Unpredictable Gut health

General Lack of Wellness

Cardiovascular Issues


Metabolic Issues


Male infertility
How Should I Have Atmantan Naturals Super Antiox 6?

1-2 tablets everyday after meals

Get the most out of Atmantan Naturals Super Antiox 6 by combining it with Atmantan Naturals Omega 3. This combination improves blood circulation and general health thanks to all the beneficial short-chain fatty acids.
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did You Know ?

Longevity Elixir
NATURALS - The founding Team of healers tell us about the what, how & why of Naturals
Key Benefits of Natural Reverse Aging Supplements

Powerful Antioxidant

Fights Inflammation

Improves Cardio Health

Counters Diabetic Neuropathy

Better Nutrition


Improves Skin Health

Immunity Booster

Improves Gut Health
Know Free Radicals And Oxidative Stress Better
Free radicals that are an outcome of our normal aerobic cellular metabolism can create toxicity. These result in protein and DNA damage, inflammation, tissue damage and even subsequent cellular apoptosis. The in-built antioxidant system of the body does play its role in preventing damage from free radicals. However, an imbalanced defence mechanism of these antioxidants or an overproduction of free radicals in our bio-system can penalise us leading to a neuro-degeneration. (Neurodegenerative diseases are a condition in which the nerve cells from the brain and spinal cord are lost leading to either functional loss - ataxia or sensory dysfunction - dementia).
Hence, antioxidants consumed through an external source, may it be diet or supplementation are now being considered as an ideal therapeutic solution, as they have the capability to neutralise free radicals, that cause DNA damage and infertility! Maybe it’s time to befriend natural supplements for oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress which is the disturbance in the balance between the production of reactive oxygen species (free radicals) and our antioxidant defences, can lead to cell and tissue damage. Oxidative stress is a natural occurrence in all of us that also plays a big role in our ageing process, and can also be potentially toxic for our neuronal cells.
Even though anti-oxidants are popular the world over for anti-ageing, they also prevent inflammation and, neuro and cellular oxidation!
We can now super amp the body’s stress security systems!
No more being at the mercy of Stress

Reclaim your body
Why Should I Take Atmantan Naturals Super Antiox 6?

To improve immunity

Fight the effects of cardiovascular diseases

Counters diabetic neuropathy

Controls autoimmune conditions

Manages the effects of diabetes

Improves skin

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals Super Antiox 6
VS Others

This formula has the highest ORAC value in extracts (ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, which quantifies the "total antioxidant capacity")

Natural Ingredients


No Side-effects


Gut Friendly

Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A 51 year old gentleman with a history of Ankylosing spondylitis (an inflammatory disease that can over time even cause some of the bones in the spine to fuse) with the Auto-immune marker HLAB27 positive (Ankylosing spondylitis has no known specific cause, though genetic factors seem to be involved) decided to consult with our Healers. In particular, people who have a gene called HLA-B27 are at a greatly increased risk of developing ankylosing spondylitis, however, only some people with this gene develop the condition). He also complained about pain in his left knee, due to which his gait was waddling mildly and he was limping a tad too.
He wished to align his posture and reduce his knee pain. Upon his Doctor consultation, it was realised that he had a history of high cholesterol and his blood reports also showed a high C Reactive Protein (A high CRP reading is a sign of acute inflammation). He was recommended Physiotherapy for his range of motion at the spine level was compromised and he even suffered from a hunched back. There was also a mild leg length discrepancy.
The prescribed treatment modalities consisted of rehabilitation exercise along with a grain-free diet along with freshly made kadas to combat chronic inflammation. He was also immediately given Atmantan Naturals’ Super Antiox 6 supplement (as an antioxidant) Boswellia Max (to reduce joint swelling) and Natflam 6 (for reducing systemic inflammation).
As the Doctor regularly corresponded with the guest, it was seen that in a month or so his cholesterol markers had improved, along with his range of motion which had increased and the stiff muscles had started easing up as well. His postural improvements were even evident to the naked eye.
The guest was well on his way to a superior and improved lifestyle and had decided to stick to the plan as far as possible to improve his quality of life.

A 30 year old endurance athlete came in to consult with the Atmantan Naturals healers with the motive to regain his flexibility and to ease his muscle spasm. With a history of surgery for a fractured limb, which had rendered him incapable of continuing his regular workout at the intensity before.
The muscle spasm had also resulted in compromised mobility, while fatigue and flexibility concerns had risen primarily due to disuse post-surgery. He was thus seeking a prescription to improve his fitness levels so that he could return to his regular exercise routine.
Post the consultation, our Doctor advised him to go in for daily physiotherapy to regain his strength and endurance. He was told he needed to relax the muscles and improve flexibility with passive stretches and other aided personal fitness workouts.
His prescribed diet was also to be structured around high protein, moderate fat and low carbs. This diet was supplemented with Atmantan Naturals’ SUPER ANTIOX 6 (to prevent oxidative damage), CURCUMIN+ (anti-oxidative and immunity enhancer), OMEGA 3 fatty acids (for cardiovascular health), and PRO-COLLAGEN (for skin, bone and cartilage health).
Within a month, he started seeing tangible improvements. His endurance had improved and he felt his body had become more supple he was even able to perform movements in the transverse plane!
His sincerity with the diet and regular physiotherapy had tremendously improved his postural scale and body equilibrium, which was back to almost normal now. He had healed from his severe muscle spasms, and as an athlete felt his body was now lighter and fitter.

A young woman who had just started suffering from symptoms of hypertension (and wasn’t on any medication yet), was certain that she wanted to sort help and correct this before it became too late. She was also suffering from severe acidity.
When she consulted with our Doctor, this 46 year old’s blood readings showed that her RBC Count (EDTA Blood/Impedance) was 4.21million (Normal should be 4.7-6.0), her Eosinophils were 6.5 % (Normal is between 1-6!), her Homocysteine Level (Blood/CMIA) was 50 mcmol/L (Normal should be less than 16.2), and her GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE (eGFR) was 79 mL/min (Normal should be more than 90!). Even her Blood Pressure Reading was slightly high at 130/90.
She was put on a Doctor Prescribed diet and lifestyle programme. Along with hypertension, she needed treatment for her inflammation and renal infection as well.
She was told to take on Yoga and Breathing practices along with a specific fibre-rich diet plan consisting of Antioxidant-rich foods, Calming herbal shots, and herbal shots to reduce acid reflux. She was also put on NATURALS herbal Supplementation for sustained improvement. She was started on Omega 3 Fatty Acids (For cardiovascular health), Super AntiOx 6 (Prevents oxidative damage in the bio-system), Pre-gut (A powerful Pre-biotic that restores gut health), and Breathe Easy (Improves respiratory efficiency).
Within 2 months her Blood reports and check-ups had confirmed her amazing results and transformation.
The Blood Pressure had normalised (Bp reduced from 130/90 to 110/70)! The same was evident from the reduced Homocysteine Levels which were now 35.9 (It went down from 50 mcmol/L only a few months ago). Even the weight had reduced from 88.9 to 85.4 kgs.
The breathlessness had reduced substantially along with improved energy levels. This was evident from the improvement in the RBC Count which rose from 4.21 to 4.53 Million (It was normalised). Even the Eosinophils count was down from 6.5 % to 0.43 (This had normalised as well!) Lastly, even her Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) had risen from 79 to 107 mL/min (This had normalised as well!).
She is very motivated to continue with her wellness journey and chose to continue with her prescribed diet. This is a highly successful hypertension case study!

Case study of a 70 year old lady post her Chemo and Radiation Treatment for Lung Cancer
This 70 year old lady guest got in touch with our healers in September of 2022, with the hope of getting well after several life-changing incidents.
She had been diagnosed with primary lung cancer (for which she had undergone Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy in March ‘22). She had also been previously diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019, for which she had gone through a lumpectomy. Another health concern was her back, as she suffered from a prolapsed intervertebral disc and had also had spinal surgery in 2010. Recently she had also suffered the loss of her husband, and she especially felt anxious and depressed.
Along with her deteriorating health conditions, she constantly felt tired, and fatigued and was experiencing a loss of appetite along with low energy. All this had severely lowered her confidence levels.
She wanted to heal.
She was put on a diet plan that consisted of a low carbohydrate and a moderate protein and fat one. She was prescribed super foods with plenty of antioxidant-rich ingredients and probiotics to help set the gut and revive immunity. Apart from the dietary prescription, she was also put on supplements that enhance recovery and immunity; these supplements were Atmantan Naturals’ Curcumin+ (Contains pure turmeric extract and is an immunity booster), Anti-Ox 3, Super Anti-ox 3 (Anti-Oxidants) Nutri liver, Natflam 6 (for inflammation) and Defence Max (natural viral defence and boosts immunity).
She was told to take up grief counselling and also to compulsorily partake in monitored group activities for fitness and social interaction. She was also recommended physiotherapy sessions along with certain energy healing therapies.
Within the month itself, she started seeing transformative changes in herself…
- She noticed her sleep had improved,
- She felt more energetic
- Her appetite had also started to return and she felt she could eat at meal times
- And her body felt more supple and lighter
And all the above was accompanied by mood elevation and the same was confirmed by the Naturals Doctor who was monitoring her progress. She was slowly and steadily she was becoming her positive self again and felt better in her day-to-day life.

A 59 year old female guest with low morale had severe complaints of weight gain. With a history of having suffered from Appendicitis surgery and post her two C-Section deliveries, she had put on some weight. However a year after both her children were born, she was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism (24 years ago) and to make things worse, she was now since a year also suffering from type 2 Diabetes. She was suffering from mental stress which was only worsening her health parameters. She was on medications for both these along with blood pressure medication.
She was hoping the Atmantan Naturals healers would help her deal with her many health concerns along with addressing the associated weight gain!
She was very keen to take control of her life and turned out to be a very receptive guest who wanted to get well! After a detailed health consultation and report analysis, it was seen that:
Her HbA1C was at a high at 8 % while on medication (The normal Range should be below 5.7%) and even her fasting blood sugar was high at 172 mg/dL (below 100 is normal). Her Thyroid readings were normal as she was on medication (TSH – 0.077 mIU/L, T3 – 100.8ng/dL, T4 – 10.51µg/dL).
A Low-Carb-High-Fat diet was also anti-inflammatory in nature. Along with she was advised to take on yoga, stretching and meditation was recommended. This was so that there would be an improvement in the blood circulation along with assisting in fat mobilisation.
In order to accelerate her recovery, she was also put on NATURALS supplementation of Dia-Solve (which reduces insulin resistance and regulates blood sugar), Super Antiox 6 (To reduce free radical damage), Omega 3 (For cardiac health and to reduce thyroid resistance), Thyrocare (To regulate thyroid hormone levels) and Nutri Brain (To reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to the central nervous system).
After just a few weeks she saw inspiring results… She was a receptive patient who was rewarded with brilliant results!
- Her blood sugar had normalised with the help of diet and supplementation! Her fasting blood sugar was reduced to 99 mg/dL from 172mg/dL (and she was now consuming just half of the allopathic dosage).
- She had also achieved a weight loss of 5+ kgs which was incredible considering she was suffering from hypothyroidism!
- She even lost 1 point of Visceral fat(Her Visceral Fat was 16 at arrival and 15 at departure)
She was very pleased with her achieved transformation and was determined to continue on the journey. She now felt empowered and positive that she was becoming a healthier person for her children and herself! She continued with her diet and supplements and stays connected with our Doctors as she continues this healthy lifestyle.
It’s a powerful free radical scavenger combination. Formulated with curcumin and grape seed extract for balance and support, this 6 anti-oxidant formula is fantastic for skin damage due to oxidation and other external toxins.
This botanical anti-oxidant combination protects your skin from environmental stressors, toxins, and ultraviolet light to reduce your risk of discolouration and slows the progression of fine lines while exfoliating epithelial cells at the surface for a youthful glow. Also, it stimulates collagen synthesis to shrink pore size to reveal a renewed, bright, clear complexion.
Super Anti-Ox 6 has included everything you need to nourish and protect your skin from the signs of ageing, replenish, restore, and rejuvenate your skin to reveal a noticeably healthier-looking, youthful complexion.
- Cinnamon extract. A strong antioxidant with anti-diabetic properties, it reduces fasting blood glucose and glycosylated Hb in poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes cases.
- Green tea extract prevents cell damage and is used in multiple cosmetic formulations for its catechin content. As far as lowering cholesterol is concerned, catechins chelate redox-active transition-metal ions to inhibit redox-active transcription factors, inhibit pro-oxidant enzymes and induce antioxidant activity. Catechins suppress platelet adhesion and may help prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases.
- Pomegranate extract is believed to be a natural antimicrobial, which may help fight bacteria and fungus on your skin like P. acnes bacteria, which is believed to be a precursor to acne breakouts. It reduces macrophage oxidative stress. Pomegranate fruit extract prevents cell growth and induces apoptosis, which can lead to anti-carcinogenic effects.
- Curcumin is one of the most powerful free radical fighters in the world. It protects the skin by fighting free radicals and reducing inflammation through Nuclear factor-KB inhibition.
- Rosemary extract. This herb’s medicinal qualities make it a powerful cure for chronic skin conditions including dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.
- Grape seed extract. The antioxidants found in grape seed extract help the skin fight free radicals. It is known to protect the skin from the effects of sun damage, pollution, smoking and even stress. It contains high concentrations of important polyphenolic substances with a high biological activity which helps reduce the level of oxidative stress and improve overall lipid metabolism.