Success Stories
Insulin Resistance Can Be Reversed And Morbid Obesity Can Be Managed Successfully!

This lady guest was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and had been living with this condition for over 7 years. She was as a result of this suffering from morbid obesity. While being fed and constantly putting on weight (despite following several diet plans), she decided to consult with the Atmantan Naturals Doctor looking for a solution.
This 45 year-old was told to check into Atmantan Wellness Centre for supervised results. Her reports at the time of check-in showed that her Fasting Sugar level was 150 mg/dL (normal should be 99 mg/dL) and PP sugar was 200 mg/dL (normal should be less than 140 mg/dL). She was also on a daily 1000 mg (metabolic inhibitor class of medicine used when suffering from Diabetes) allopathic tablet.
At Atmantan she was put on an integrated Doctor guided programme right away in an attempt to reverse her diabetic condition and provide her with the much needed support for her weight loss. Her programme was designed as a 16 weeks one.
After running diagnostics, it was realised that while she weighed 96 kilograms and had a visceral fat reading of 19, she was suffering from insulin resistance! The treatment protocol consisted of treating the root cause (with diet and supplementation) while addressing the high visceral fat, insulin resistance and the on-going inflammation in her body. The daily schedule included personal workouts, Yoga, low resistance training and physiotherapy for better alignment. She did all this and also had Ayurvedic, and detoxifying therapies recommended to her which also included acupuncture.
Her prescribed diet was a high-protein, low carb one which also included anti-inflammatory and Diabetic shots. Along with all this, she was also put on Atmantan NATURALS herbal supplements of DiaSolve (For improved insulin sensitivity) Fat Blazer (For improved metabolism), and Anti-Ox3 (As it arrests & reverses oxidative damage at cellular level).
She had a miraculous transformation after 16 weeks… she had dropped 33 kilograms of weight (She was now down to 63 kgs from 96 kgs), and this included a pure Fat loss of 25 kilograms! Even her visceral fat had dropped 10 points!(Her reading had now gone to 9 from 19, and she had now achieved the desirable range for Visceral fat).
Along with all these transformations, she had now managed to completely reverse her insulin resistance and had completely stopped her past medication! In fact, at departure, her fasting sugar had dropped to 100 mg/dL (from 150 mg/dL) and her post meal sugar had come down to 138 mg/dL (from 200 mg/ dL). She had achieved almost-normal readings!
She left Atmantan with a far greater understanding of her condition; She continued to stay in touch with the Doctors and was determined to take this journey forward in her days at home (she also carried back prescribed diet charts) and continue with the NATURALS supplementation that treats the root cause of the disease and not just the symptom. She was now better educated on her condition and was motivated to better self-manage.