Psoriasis is a skin disease noted by itchy and scaly red patches on the skin. This is often a chronic condition with episodes of flaring and remission. Lesions are often seen around the knees, elbows, trunk, scalp, and nails. Most cases are treated with temporary relief giving topical application and steroid doses. Atmantan Naturals’ Psoriasis Supplement Kit treats the allergic responses by desensitising the allergy receptors and fixes gut health – for most skin issues begin deep down.
Atmantan Naturals’ Allergy Care desensitises the allergy receptors that cause atopic dermatitis. Allergy-induced psoriasis is noted by raised IgE levels, signifying that the flare-up episode is a reaction to something. This supplement also has antimicrobial properties that treat the inflammation and infection of the gut.
Atmantan Naturals’ Probio S.B.O. as a robust probiotic helps to bring about a balance in the gut microbiome, thereby improving skin health and repair through the gut-skin axis.
Atmantan Naturals’ Gut Revive as the name suggests, revives gut health, which is extremely important to maintain healthy skin. Poor gut health has been associated with poor texture and function of the skin. Our Gut Revive formula helps treat and deforest the gut, thereby maintaining healthy skin flora!
In This Package
Psoriasis Supplement kit

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