Breathe Easy
Inhale Good Health. Exhale toxins.
Don’t let respiratory issues hold you back. At peak allergy season or any season! Atmantan Naturals’ Breathe Easy, a respiratory immunity booster is a specially formulated mix that counters inflammation and helps your lungs power through anything you set your mind and body to do. So if you suffer from compromised lung functioning, go forth bravely, and be unstoppable - our immunity booster for lungs has got you covered!

Breathe Easy Benefits

Improves respiratory efficiency

Eases breathing difficulties

Builds respiratory immunity

Breaks mucus immediately

Aids phlegm expectoration

Detoxes lungs

Seasonal allergies Protection

Fights Asthma

Improves Lung Capacity
With All Natural Extracts and Ingredients Only

Bharangi (Clerodendrum Serrratum)



Chebula Terminalia


Tylophora Asthmatica


How does Breathe Easy Supplements Help Boost Lung Health & Immunity?
Atmantan Naturals Breathe Easy


Thalisapathra – that is Anti-inflammatory. Anti-microbial. Anti-spasmodic. Broncho-Dilator.

Kantakari which is an expectorant. Balances Doshas. Asthma Relief. Anti-infection.

Chebula Terminalia that clears the respiratory tract. Protects, Revitalises the Kidneys from Effects of a Lifetime of Medication.

Vasa – that is anti-inflammatory. Soothes the Respiratory Tract. Decongestant.

Tylophora Asthmatica – This detoxes the Respiratory Tract. Anti-allergy.

Thippali is an expectorant. Anti-infection.

Pepper is anti-inflammatory. Decongestant. Soothes the respiratory tract. Purifies.
Is This For You?

People who want freedom from


How should you have this?

1-2 tablets immediately after food.

Most effective when taken with Atmantan Naturals Boswellia Max and Atmantan Naturals Pre-Gut
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did You Know?

Breathe Easy Live Longer
NATURALS - The founding Team of healers tell us about the what, how & why of Naturals
Key Benefits of Natural Bronchitis Supplements

Enhances respiratory efficiency

Builds respiratory immunity

Detoxes lungs

Fights infections

Fixes the Gut Lung Axis

Powerful Sinusitis Therapy


100% Natural


Wisdom of Ayurveda for Today’s Problems
Know Your Respiratory System Better
Our respiratory system is the efficient network of organs and tissues that help us breathe; It is made up of nostrils, the nasal chamber, larynx, pharynx, epiglottis, trachea, bronchioles, bronchi, alveoli, and lungs.
The respiratory system…

Is one of the Pancha Piranhas - the 5 energy flows of the human body

Helps us breathe, absorbs oxygen from air and pumps it throughout the body

Is vulnerable to toxic pollutants

Is always at a risk of allergies and infections

Is also an entry for airborne pollutants

And our lungs hence become the first organ that is affected in a polluted environment
In fact, the Gut Lung Axis (GLA), which is a two-way communication hub between the gut and lungs, can also shape immune responses and interfere with the course of respiratory diseases! And any alterations in the intestinal microbiota can trigger an immune system and infect the lungs through the Gut Lung Axis! In fact, respiratory disorders like asthma and respiratory allergies are always/ very often gut related and the treatment for them needs to include fixing the gut.
A healthy and active lifestyle consisting of exercise, Yogic breathing, and a nutrient-rich diet and the incorporation of respiratory health supplement go a long way in enhancing respiratory immunity.
Inhale Good Health. Exhale toxins.

Why have Atmantan Naturals Breathe Easy?

It enables Effortless Breathing as it clears the respirator passage of excess mucus —> reduces congestion —> dilates the respiratory passages —> relieves spasm and contraction on the respiratory smooth muscles

Builds lung immunity and make it less immune to infections

Induces natural Broncho-dilation that helps open up the constricted airways

Removes phlegm. This unique formulation of herbs in Breathe Easy can break down mucus. This then helps us in coughing out the phlegm (a mucus formed when the respiratory system is infected)

Also fixes the Gut Lung Axis thereby addressing respiratory diseases

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals Breathe Easy
VS Other Supplements

All Natural

Patented Formula

Improves Immunity

Safe for All Ages

Fights infections


Wisdom of Ayurveda for Today’s Problems

Clinically Proven

Powerful Sinusitis Therapy

No preservatives
Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A young woman who had just started suffering from symptoms of hypertension (and wasn’t on any medication yet), was certain that she wanted to sort help and correct this before it became too late. She was also suffering from severe acidity.
When she consulted with our Doctor, this 46 year old’s blood readings showed that her RBC Count (EDTA Blood/Impedance) was 4.21million (Normal should be 4.7-6.0), her Eosinophils were 6.5 % (Normal is between 1-6!), her Homocysteine Level (Blood/CMIA) was 50 mcmol/L (Normal should be less than 16.2), and her GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE (eGFR) was 79 mL/min (Normal should be more than 90!). Even her Blood Pressure Reading was slightly high at 130/90.
She was put on a Doctor Prescribed diet and lifestyle programme. Along with hypertension, she needed treatment for her inflammation and renal infection as well.
She was told to take on Yoga and Breathing practices along with a specific fibre-rich diet plan consisting of Antioxidant-rich foods, Calming herbal shots, and herbal shots to reduce acid reflux. She was also put on NATURALS herbal Supplementation for sustained improvement. She was started on Omega 3 Fatty Acids (For cardiovascular health), Super AntiOx 6 (Prevents oxidative damage in the bio-system), Pre-gut (A powerful Pre-biotic that restores gut health), and Breathe Easy (Improves respiratory efficiency).
Within 2 months her Blood reports and check-ups had confirmed her amazing results and transformation.
The Blood Pressure had normalised (Bp reduced from 130/90 to 110/70)! The same was evident from the reduced Homocysteine Levels which were now 35.9 (It went down from 50 mcmol/L only a few months ago). Even the weight had reduced from 88.9 to 85.4 kgs.
The breathlessness had reduced substantially along with improved energy levels. This was evident from the improvement in the RBC Count which rose from 4.21 to 4.53 Million (It was normalised). Even the Eosinophils count was down from 6.5 % to 0.43 (This had normalised as well!) Lastly, even her Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) had risen from 79 to 107 mL/min (This had normalised as well!).
She is very motivated to continue with her wellness journey and chose to continue with her prescribed diet. This is a highly successful hypertension case study!

A 19-year-old young girl with a known history of Asthma, connect with the Atmantan Naturals Doctor.
With complaints of dry, itchy & swollen skin (which she had been suffering from for the last 5 years), the investigation report of her spirometry (test to diagnose and monitor lung condition and measure the amount of air one can breathe out in on forced breath) also showed with the values of FEV = 63%, FVC = 60% (normal readings are those where both the FEV and FVC are at 80%).
She came to us looking for a solution.
Upon consultation, she was started on a Atmantan Naturals’ Supplementation of Junior omega 3 (Is a small sized pill carrying essential fatty acids, is an EPA-DHA supplement) which targets pulmonary conditions as it treats the chronic inflammatory responses of Asthma, airway obstruction and reduces the systemic infection from the various environmental pathogens. She was also recommended, Breathe Easy (improves respiratory efficiency) which acts as a bronchodilator and & Allergy care (which is also anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic).
These as a combination were prescribed for a period of 6 months along with recommendations of Yoga, Breathing and Aqua Exercises. She was also advised to be on an antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and lactose-free diet! She was also asked to avoid animal proteins as they would tend to make her more susceptible to histamine reactions.
Within the follow 6 months, the plan in unison had collectively reduced her wheezing significantly. Even her spirometry values after 6 months had normalised! They readings had improved to the FEV = 88% (from 63%), FVC= 83% (from 60%)!
Her skin health had also showed visual improvements for the better.
She enters her 20s feeling more positive and is able to better manage her health and well-being.
Effortless Breathing –
Clears the respiratory passage of excess mucus —> reduces congestion —> dilates the respiratory passages —> relieves spasms and contractions on the respiratory smooth muscles.
- Builds lung immunity and makes it immune to infections.
- Induces Broncho-dilation to help open constricted airways.
- Removes phlegm – Breathe Easy can break down mucus. This helps in coughing out phlegm – a mucus formed when the respiratory system is infected.
- Fixes the Gut Lung Axis.
Gut Lung Axis (GLA) is a two-way communication between the gut and lungs.
GLA can shape immune responses and interfere with the course of respiratory diseases. Alterations in the intestinal microbiota can trigger the immune system and infect the lungs through the GLA. Respiratory disorders like asthma and respiratory allergies are very much gut-related and treatments have to target fixing the gut.
Atmantan Naturals Breathe Easy has an enhanced ability to break up mucus, making it easier for you to cough out phlegm that is produced in many respiratory conditions. It also cleanses the lungs and protects them from seasonal allergies.
Atmantan Naturals Breathe Easy helps detox your lungs and treat persistent cough in bronchitis. When taken along with Allergy Care, it helps to manage allergic conditions, including seasonal allergies.
Asthma patients have severe congestion in the bronchioles due to mucus collection. This causes inflammation, spasm of airways and contraction of the smooth muscles, making it difficult to breathe and causing wheezing due to narrow respiratory passage. Atmantan Naturals Breathe Easy reduces mucus production and dilates the respiratory passages, thus reducing asthma-related symptoms.
Lungs are one of the major channels for toxins to enter the body. Atmantan Naturals Breathe Easy
- Keeps the respiratory passage clear from mucus congestion
- Opens up the channels for smooth airflow
- Helps to expel toxins
The key ingredients are Bharangi, Vasa and Piper Longum
Bharangi – Anti-inflammatory
Bharangi (Clerodendrum Serrratum), literally meaning ‘glorious’, is an Ayurvedic shrub that is popularly used to treat the respiratory system. The root and stem of Bharangi have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects that help treat asthma and related inflammation.
Vasa – Cough Medicine
Vasa (Adathoda Vasica) is a powerful Ayurvedic herb useful in treating bronchitis, tuberculosis and other lung and bronchiole disorders. It is a strong expectorant and a bronchodilator.
Piper Longum – Long Pepper
Piper Longus is a medicinal plant used to treat asthma, constipation, diarrhoea, cholera, chronic malaria, respiratory infections, bronchitis, spleen conditions and cough.