Beat Your Diabetes Fair And Square
Cope better and manage Type 2 Diabetes with Atmantan Naturals’ Dia-Solve. This herbal formulation helps to manage the complications of diabetes, and allows you a better quality of life. A herbal and safe combination, this encourages glucose-lipid metabolism, negates inflammatory factors and even reduces insulin resistance for those suffering from a Metabolic Syndrome!

DIA-SOLVE Benefits

Improves insulin sensitivity

Improves Glucose-lipid metabolism

Aids in weight management

Re-adjusts adipokine secretion
With All Natural Extracts and Ingredients only

Salacia Reticulate

Berberis Arista

Pterocarpus Marsupium

Coccinia Indica
How Do Natural Nutri Brain Supplements Improve Your Cognitive Health?

Who Is Atmantan Naturals Dia-Solve For?

People who want freedom from

Insulin Resistance

Type 2 Diabetes

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease)

Fatty Liver

High Triglycerides

High Visceral Fat

Central Obesity
How Should I Have Atmantan Naturals Dia-Solve?

2-3 tablets per day.

Get the most out of Atmantan Naturals Dia-Solve by combining it with Atmantan Naturals Omega 3
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did You Know

Beat Your Diabetes
Key Benefits of DIA-SOLVE Diabetes Supplements

Management of Type 2 Diabetes

Positive Effects on Glucose-Lipid Metabolism

Improves Insulin resistance in those suffering from Metabolic Syndrome

Re-adjusts the Adipokine Secretion

Supports weight loss and dyslipidemia

Counters Diabetes-related Inflammation
Know Type 2 Diabetes Better
Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle-induced chronic condition that affects the way your body metabolises sugar (glucose) — an important source of fuel for our body. This long-term condition causes excess sugar to be present in the bloodstream, and high blood sugar levels, which leads to circulatory, nervous, and immune system disorders.
With type 2 diabetes, our body either resists the effects of insulin (the hormone that regulates the movement of sugar into our cells) or our body doesn't produce enough/optimal insulin to maintain normal glucose levels.
What's the right type of management for type 2 Diabetes?
We here at Naturals have an integrated approach to help our guests manage Type 2 or lifestyle-induced diabetes. The goal of the program is two-fold...
- To ultimately reduce the use of allopathic medication. After all, the long-term solution to diabetes is to address the root cause by addressing the body’s visceral fat, insulin resistance, and ongoing/pre-existing inflammation. Dia-solve does exactly that as it works upon reducing visceral fat, thereby reducing inflammation!
- Atmantan Naturals’ Dia-Solve improves both insulin sensitivity and Glucose-lipid metabolism.
- The combination of - Atmantan Naturals’ Omega 3 and Dia solve together also helps manage weight loss and dyslipidemia (which is the imbalance of lipids such as cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, (LDL-C), triglycerides, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in the body.) Dyslipidemia leads to cardiovascular disease with severe complications, and can be caused due to a compromised diet, tobacco consumption, or inhalation, and can be a genetic disposition.
- We also educate and empower the guests on self-management of their lifestyle.
Beat Your Diabetes Fair And Square

Why Atmantan Naturals Dia-solve?

Manages type 2 Diabetes

Counters related complications

Improves glucose-lipid metabolism

Reduces inflammatory factors

Counters insulin resistance

Improves metabolism and aids weight loss

Re-adjusts adipokine secretion

Anti dyslipidemia (High Cholesterol)

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals Dia-Solve
VS Others

All natural


Zero Sugar

Patented Formula


Counters Diabetes-related Inflammation

PCOD Management
Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A 78-year-old well-traveled male with complaints of severe shoulder and neck pain associated with neck stiffness and restricted movement of the shoulder joint as well. He also had severe body aches with fatigue throughout the day. He was also on statins to keep a check on his cholesterol.
After his initial Doctor consultation and diagnostics, he was advised to take on extensive physiotherapy and some acupuncture sessions.
His prescribed diet was a low carbohydrate, low fat one with moderate protein while keeping him away from any cholesterol spike. Along with this anti-inflammatory diet, he was also put on supplements of Natflam (to combat systemic inflammation), Boswellia Max (to reduce pain and swelling in the joints), Dia-solve (to improve glucose-lipid metabolisation) and Nutri Liver (to improve liver health).
In 2 months, the changes in his pain scale and range of motion were there for everyone to see!
His shoulder pain and disability were reduced by more than 80%; Even his total cholesterol which was 241 mg/dl at the time of consultation had reduced to 195 mg/dl! Along with all of this, his weight parameters had also improved; the above results were accompanied by 6 kgs of weight loss along with a reduction in the Visceral fat reading of 2 points.
Needless to say, the gentleman despite his age had had an impressive recovery and was inspired to continue with his improved lifestyle thanks to his visible results.

This lady guest was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and had been living with this condition for over 7 years. She was as a result of this suffering from morbid obesity. While being fed and constantly putting on weight (despite following several diet plans), she decided to consult with the Atmantan Naturals Doctor looking for a solution.
This 45-year-old was told to check into Atmantan Wellness Centre for supervised results. Her reports at the time of check-in showed that her Fasting Sugar level was 150 mg/dL (normal should be 99 mg/dL) and PP sugar was 200 mg/dL (normal should be less than 140 mg/dL). She was also on a daily 1000 mg (metabolic inhibitor class of medicine used when suffering from Diabetes) allopathic tablet.
At Atmantan she was put on an integrated Doctor guided programme right away in an attempt to reverse her diabetic condition and provide her with much-needed support for her weight loss. Her programme was designed as a 16-week one.
After running diagnostics, it was realised that while she weighed 96 kilograms and had a visceral fat reading of 19, she was suffering from insulin resistance! The treatment protocol consisted of treating the root cause (with diet and supplementation) while addressing the high visceral fat, insulin resistance, and ongoing inflammation in her body. The daily schedule included personal workouts, Yoga, low-resistance training, and physiotherapy for better alignment. She did all this and also had Ayurvedic and detoxifying therapies recommended to her which also included acupuncture.
Her prescribed diet was a high-protein, low-carb one which also included anti-inflammatory and Diabetic shots. Along with all this, she was also put on Atmantan NATURALS herbal supplements of DiaSolve (For improved insulin sensitivity) Fat Blazer (For improved metabolism), and Anti-Ox3 (As it arrests & reverses oxidative damage at a cellular level).
She had a miraculous transformation after 16 weeks… she had dropped 33 kilograms of weight (She was now down to 63 kgs from 96 kgs), and this included a pure Fat loss of 25 kilograms! Even her visceral fat had dropped 10 points! (Her reading had now gone to 9 from 19, and she had now achieved the desirable range for Visceral fat).
Along with all these transformations, she had now managed to completely reverse her insulin resistance and had completely stopped her past medication! In fact, at departure, her fasting sugar had dropped to 100 mg/dL (from 150 mg/dL) and her post-meal sugar had come down to 138 mg/dL (from 200 mg/ dL). She had achieved almost-normal readings!
She left Atmantan with a far greater understanding of her condition; She continued to stay in touch with the Doctors and was determined to take this journey forward in her days at home (she also carried back prescribed diet charts) and continued with the NATURALS supplementation that treats the root cause of the disease and not just the symptom. She was now better educated on her condition and was motivated to better self-manage.

This male senior citizen guest had complaints of very high Blood Pressure (he was on medication for this twice a day) and also carried extra weight. He was also a light smoker (3 cigarettes a day). An easygoing yet analytical guest, this 66-year-old chose to consult with the Atmantan Naturals healers for some result-oriented wellness!
The gentleman’s main objective was to lose weight and get his BP under control. He was diagnosed and was suffering from Hypertension after some recommended preliminary tests.
He was told to get on a gut cleansing programme that included a low carbohydrate diet and some days of a liquid diet (of fruits and vegetables). All this cumulatively detoxed him. He was also prescribed NATURALS supplements Omega 3 (For heart health), Anti Ox 3 (To arrest & reverse oxidative damage at a cellular level), Fat Blazer (For improved metabolism), and Dia-Solve (For improved insulin sensitivity).
By the end of 2+ months, there was an incredible weight reduction of 9 kilograms (From 78 kgs to 69 kgs!), and his visceral fat reading also dropped (From 18 to 16)! Another amazing transformation was that the guest was now convinced to quit smoking and this further helped improve his BP readings, which also dropped from 160/110 to 140/90! The results were highly desirable in this hypertension case study.
He has now learned how to continue with this improved quality of life back and is enjoying the benefits of his regained health.

A 20-year-old young girl who was suffering from recent weight gain (over the last 6 months), darkened discolouration at the back of the neck, inner thighs and under arms, also had complaints of cystic acne, and thickened white discharge (with a history of a vaginal yeast infection).
No investigations had been conducted for her and she had simply been treated with antibiotics and topical steroids for her skin. After the antibiotic course, she even started developing severe nausea and the acne on her skin increased instead of decreasing.
As a conscious youngster, she was desperately looking for a solution to her weight and pigmentation. She got in touch with our healers.
Certain blood tests were recommended and upon results, the Doctor realised that she was insulin resistant and that her infection was of a fungal origin!
She was immediately started on Atmantan Naturals’ Supplementation of replenishment with a higher dose of Omega 3 fatty acids along with Dia-Solve (for Insulin efficiency), Pre-gut (Prebiotics for gut health), Hair Skin Formula (Repairs hair and skin), Pro Collagen (for skin, bone and cartilage health), and Nutri Liver (Enables liver detox and health). Besides this, she was also prescribed a therapeutic meal plan that also consisted of fasting therapy along with a high intake of antioxidant-rich foods.
She was also told to take on a routine that consisted of 1-2 hours of fitness activities daily consisting of a mix of Yoga and cardio workouts.
She was under the monitoring of the Naturals Doctor and had stayed on track with the recommended programme. She started noticing changes as she started losing weight (She lost 6 kgs in the following weeks) and her vaginal discharge had also completely disappeared.
There was also a significant reduction in the dark black discolouration at the back of her neck, her underarms, and her inner thighs; Naturally, her state of mind had also improved tremendously. Her insulin resistance had also lowered (evident from weight loss and changes in her blood markers) due to the Omega 3 fatty acids, Dia-solve along with a low carbohydrate diet that she was following. This transformation along with the desired weight loss had created positive changes in her attitude as well.

This 44-year-old lady guest who is a known case of Type 2 Diabetes, had also been struggling to lose weight for a while. She decided to consult with our healers because she had heard of our Diabetes Reversal approach!
Upon consultation and diagnostics, our Doctors realised she was not a case of Type 2 Diabetes but was in fact insulin resistant! Since she was already on Diabetic medications, her fasting blood sugar on admission was 103 mg/dl. And she also shared that she had been suffering from disturbed sleep.
She was prescribed a strict anti-inflammatory diet along with indigenous therapeutic shots for heart health, diabetes control, and insomnia. She was also prescribed the Atmantan Naturals supplements of Dia-solve (for her insulin resistance), Digestive Enzymes (to improve digestion and combat gut inflammation), Fat Blazer (as a fat burner), Omega 3 (for General Health) and Anti-ox 3 (Powerful anti-oxidant that protects against DNA damage).
She followed this regime after 2 months not only had her sleep improved tremendously, but she had gotten off her diabetic medications completely and lost weight!
- Her fasting blood sugar was down to 90 mg/dl from 103 mg/dl (and this was achieved without her regular allopathic medications!).
- Losing weight that had always been impossible for her had also been conquered, as she had now finally tackled some of the inflammation in her body and managed to lose 4+ kgs. Feeling extremely positive at not just losing weight but also at having learned to manage her diabetes naturally, she was determined to continue to stay on this path of transformation.

A 59-year-old female guest with low morale had severe complaints of weight gain. With a history of having suffered from Appendicitis surgery and post her two C-Section deliveries, she had put on some weight. However a year after both her children were born, she was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism (24 years ago) and to make things worse, she was now since a year also suffering from type 2 Diabetes. She was suffering from mental stress which was only worsening her health parameters. She was on medications for both these along with blood pressure medication.
She was hoping, Atmantan Naturals healers would help her deal with her many health concerns along with addressing the associated weight gain!
She was very keen to take control of her life and turned out to be a very receptive guest who wanted to get well! After a detailed health consultation and report analysis, it was seen that:
Her HbA1C was at a high at 8 % while on medication (The normal Range should be below 5.7%) and even her fasting blood sugar was high at 172 mg/dL (below 100 is normal). Her Thyroid readings were normal as she was on medication (TSH – 0.077 mIU/L, T3 – 100.8ng/dL, T4 – 10.51µg/dL).
A Low-Carb-High-Fat diet was also anti-inflammatory. She was advised to take on yoga, stretching, and meditation was recommended. This was so that there would be an improvement in blood circulation along with assisting in fat mobilisation.
To accelerate her recovery, she was also put on NATURALS supplementation of Dia-Solve (which reduces insulin resistance and regulates blood sugar), Super Antiox 6 (To reduce free radical damage), Omega 3 (For cardiac health and to reduce thyroid resistance), Thyrocare (To regulate thyroid hormone levels) and Nutri Brain (To reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to the central nervous system).
After just a few weeks she saw inspiring results… She was a receptive patient who was rewarded with brilliant results!
- Her blood sugar had normalised with the help of diet and supplementation! Her fasting blood sugar was reduced to 99 mg/dL from 172mg/dL (and she was now consuming just half of the allopathic dosage).
- She had also achieved a weight loss of 5+ kgs which was incredible considering she was suffering from hypothyroidism!
- She even lost 1 point of Visceral fat(Her Visceral Fat was 16 at arrival and 15 at departure)
She was very pleased with her achieved transformation and was determined to continue on the journey. She now felt empowered and positive that she was becoming a healthier person for her children and herself! She continued with her diet and supplements and stays connected with our Doctors as she continues this healthy lifestyle.

A young-looking 45-year-old male guest was a known case of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. He also had complaints of a kidney stone and reduced testosterone level. He was on a higher allopathic medication dosage for his diabetes as well.
He really wanted to get to a healthier self and got in touch with the Atmantan Naturals Doctors.
He was hopeful that he could improve his sugar levels. Upon his consultation and study of his blood markers, what was most alarming was that even while on 2 sets of allopathic medications for Diabetes, his:
Fasting Blood Sugar was 293mg/dl (while on medication)
Post-prandial Blood sugar was 554mg/dl
And his HbA1c reports showed 12%, which indicated uncontrolled Diabetes!
He was put on a gut reset and cleanse.
He was also recommended sessions of yoga, breathing practices, and therapeutic stretching to improve glucose utilisation and insulin sensitivity.
Along with this, he was recommended a low-carbohydrate high-fat diet that would further help improve his blood sugar levels, along with key Naturals Supplementation. This included Dia-Solve (To better manage the blood sugar level and to lower insulin resistance), Omega-3 (To boost the fatty acid metabolism to yield energy), Testosmax, and Zeal plus (To boost testosterone production without any adverse side effects). He was also prescribed Hair Skin formula (for reducing the skin pigmentation that was a side effect of his diabetic condition) upon departure.
This young guest saw fabulous results within a month and a half…
- His Fasting blood sugar levels had decreased from 293 mg/dl (with medication) to 105 mg/dl! (Allopathic Medications were majorly tapered).
- His weight was now 57 kgs(down from 61.6 kgs)
His transformation in his sugar levels normalising was phenomenal and his steadfast belief in the doctor-prescribed programme along with his regime had gotten him here; he was determined to maintain this progress going forward.

A 42-year-old woman was diagnosed case of PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) and suffered from irregular periods, indigestion, bloating, and fatigue. All this had also led her to have a lot of anxiety, insomnia, and depression over the last six months. She was also upset with the associated weight gain.
She was previously on sugar-normalising allopathic medications along with allopathic hormonal medications to regularise her menstrual cycle. She has been taking the hormonal pills for the last 3 months but had stopped them on her own now as they didn’t make her feel good and stopped on her own; when she chose to also stop her allopathic hormonal pills, she then also stopped getting her periods. All this had only added to her stress but she was adamant to look for more natural ways of healing.
She decided to get in touch with the Atmantan Naturals Healers to better her condition. After the Doctor’s consultation, who also studied her recent reports, she was immediately started on Dia-Solve (to improve insulin sensitivity), Omega 3 (Essential fatty acids to improve health), Ovu plus (to support a healthy estrogen–progesterone balance) and Easy flow (essential PCOD support that also helps regularise the period cycle). She was also recommended a low-carb diet.
She was advised to sign up for certain acupuncture sessions along with acupressure in her city and was told to religiously take on yoga and exercise daily.
After just a week her menstrual cycle resumed (without consuming allopathic hormonal pills)! Even her sleep quality and her gut health started getting better as she reported zero bloating, or indigestion!
In the last six months she has lost 6+ kilograms of weight and her menstrual cycle has completely regularised and is on the due date!
Her results as reported were:
- Her weight had dropped by 6+ kgs, from 75.8 kgs to 69 kgs,
- Her menstrual cycle which was earlier once in 90-100 days had now regularised to one every 24-28 days!
- Her Sleep which had been disturbed and interrupted was now a continuous 5-6 hours on average daily!
It can manage blood sugar and lower insulin resistance. This herbal combination is used to regularise glucose-lipid metabolism, and insulin resistance in those suffering from metabolic syndromes. It also improves insulin sensitivity as it re-adjusts adipokine secretion, thereby aiding and promoting weight loss while countering dyslipidemia (high cholesterol).
Atmantan Naturals Dia-Solve helps in managing Type 2 Diabetes and related complications. This herbal combination has positive effects on glucose-lipid metabolism, inflammatory factors, and insulin resistance in diabetes and PCOD. It cannot help Type 1 Diabetes directly, though it helps slow down risks and complications. It can also improve sugar management when taken along with other medications.
Atmantan Naturals Dia-Solve is a powerful combination of various herbs that helps reduce insulin resistance and inflammatory processes within the adipose tissue. Inflammation of the adipose tissue is one of the leading causes of PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)/PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disease)
Salacia Reticulata: The root, stem and leaves of the Salacia reticulata plant effectively improve insulin resistance, and glucose metabolism in the body while also reducing obesity.
Pterocarpus Marsupium: This tree is common in the Western Ghats (UNESCO World Heritage Site) and is known for its anti-diabetic properties. It also helps diabetic patients to reduce and manage weight. Pterocarpus Marsupium is a natural alternative to the standard diabetic drug used in other medication.
Berberis Arista is a Himalayan drug and is also called Indian Barberry, “chutro” or tree turmeric. It improves glucose catabolism, stimulates insulin secretion, improves insulin function and also decreases glucose uptake. Due to its anti-diabetic properties, it is used to treat Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Coccinia Indica is a vine that is commonly found in South India. It has highly effective anti-diabetic properties.