Feed the brain in the gut
No guts. No glory. Or even health, for that matter. A happy and healthy gut is the key to good health. Atmantan Naturals' Pre-Gut is a formula that helps to reinoculate and increase the diversity, growth and activity of the beneficial gut bacteria. This pre-gut, prebiotic powder restores an amicable climate in your gut by feeding the good gut flora, thus effectively re-inoculating and replenishing the balance.

PRE GUT Benefits

Powerful Pre-biotic

Restores gut health, gut balance and gut function

Maintains the integrity of the epithelial lining of the gut

Helps manage food sensitivities and gut related illnesses
With Pure Natural Ingredient Only

Chicory Roots
How does Atmantan Naturals' Pre-Gut help?


Chicory Root - Improves and feeds the gut biome. Short chain fatty acid- friendly.
Who should consume Atmantan Naturals' Pre-Gut?

Anyone who is fighting

Large intestinal disorders




Gut-related mental issues
How should I have Atmantan Naturals' Pre-Gut?

10gms to 30gms per day, ideally mixed into a hot drink or food.

Note: Atmantan Naturals' Pre-gut is not suitable for IBS induced constipation since the fermentation process might worsen bloating which is common with IBS. Hence the symptoms of IBS has to be ruled out. This product may or may not induce bowel movement.
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did you know?

NATURALS - The founding Team of healers tell us about the what, how & why of Naturals

Provides fibre that friendly gut bacteria is able to digest (ferment) and use as fuel

Uniquely feeds the gut biome with Short Chain Fatty Acids

Creates a hospitable environment for the growth of the good bacteria

Increases good bacteria while clearing out the bad bacteria

Maintains balance in the gut, which translates into a healthier body

Fights the side-effects of bad food choices, toxic environment and recent illnesses
Our gut health refers to a balance of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract, and perform physiologic functions in many parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Looking after the health of our gut and there-in maintaining the right balance of these microorganisms is crucial for physical and mental health.
An unhealthy gut leads to a wide range of health issues including diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune conditions, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and mental health concerns.
Microorganisms (which include bacteria and archaea) are the crucial gut microbiota that is responsible for gut health, and these live in the digestive tracts of vertebrates including humans, and insects. Alternatively, these are also called gut flora and the gut microbiome.
While digestion (which starts in the mouth), is a highly essential function in the human body, as it prepares food for absorption. The body, hence, needs an efficient mechanism to absorb nutrients and repair the possibly damaged structures. Prebiotics improve calcium absorption, enhance the body’s processing of carbohydrates, and supports the probiotic growth of gut bacteria. All this enhances digestion and metabolism!
In short, your gut
- Is home to vital micro-organisms, known as gut microbiota
- Is your second brain
- Is where your food choices, both good and bad, affect first
- Needs a fibre-rich diet to feed the resident gut biome that affects your health in every possible way
Prebiotics contain live microorganisms that help maintain and improve the ‘good’ bacteria in the body and being high-fibre foods, they act as food for our gut microflora!
Having gut health supplements, fibre rich foods, lesser sugar, and other healthy dietary protocols, with the right sleep, fitness, and reduced stress can all help enhance gut health.
A balanced gut for a balanced mind, No ‘if’s or ‘but’s when it comes to guts!

Why do you need this 100% natural prebiotic supplement – PRE GUT?

Regular intake of a rich prebiotic feeds the gut biome

Makes a probiotic unnecessary

Natural prebiotics are not quite as potent or sufficient as a supplement

Atmantan Naturals Pre-Gut contains multiple strains of gut bacteria and as you know, nature loves variety

Improves diversity

Contains the necessary fibre to feed the gut biome

Compensates for the daily toxicity you’re exposed to

Prebiotics are stronger than probiotics

More fermentable ingredients to create short chain fatty acids

Optimises gut flora in the colon as well as opposed to just the stomach

No tablet reaches the large intestine

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals' Pre-Gut Helps with

Food Sensitivities

Leaky Gut

Gut Inflammation

Complications of Colon Cancer

Gut Imbalances

Gut-related Mental Issues




Autoimmune disorders
Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A 20-year-old young girl who was suffering from recent weight gain (over the last 6 months), and darkened discolouration at the back of the neck, inner thighs and underarms, also had complaints of cystic acne and thickened white discharge (with a history of a vaginal yeast infection).
No investigations had been conducted for her and she had simply been treated with antibiotics and topical steroids for her skin. After the antibiotic course, she even started developing severe nausea and the acne on her skin increased instead of decreasing.
As a conscious youngster, she was desperately looking for a solution to her weight and pigmentation. She got in touch with our healers.
Certain blood tests were recommended and upon results, the Doctor realised that she was insulin resistant and that her infection was of a fungal origin!
She was immediately started on Atmantan Naturals’ Supplementation of replenishment with a higher dose of Omega 3 fatty acids along with Dia-Solve (for Insulin efficiency), and Pre-gut (Prebiotics for gut health) and natural anti-fungal medications. Besides this, she was also prescribed a therapeutic meal plan that also consisted of fasting therapy along with a high intake of antioxidant-rich foods.
She was also told to take on a routine that consisted of 1-2 hours of fitness activities daily consisting of a mix of Yoga and cardio workouts.
She was under the monitoring of the Naturals Doctor and had stayed on track with the recommended programme. She started noticing changes as she started losing weight (She lost 6 kgs in the following weeks) and her vaginal discharge had also completely disappeared.
There was also a significant reduction in the dark black discolouration at the back of her neck, her underarms, and her inner thighs; Naturally, her state of mind had also improved tremendously. Her insulin resistance had also lowered (evident from weight loss and changes in her blood markers) due to the Omega 3 fatty acids, Dia-solve along with a low carbohydrate diet that she was following. This transformation along with the desired weight loss had created positive changes in her attitude as well.

A 43-year-old lady was diagnosed case of uncontrolled Diabetes and High Triglycerides (Lipid Imbalance-Dyslipidemia); She wanted to sincerely look for alternative ways to manage her condition; She as a person was also very receptive to lifestyle modifications and herbal medicines too. This is why she chose to consult with the Atmantan Naturals Healers.
After an in-depth consultation with our Doctor, she was recommended an anti-inflammatory and cleansing diet that consisted of low carbohydrates along with recommended fats and fibres.
She was also started on Atmantan Naturals’ supplements of Dia-solve to reduce insulin resistance and adipose tissue inflammation, Anti-ox3 to help improve the good cholesterol and also reduce inflammation, Pre-Gut (Prebiotics) to expel the bile acids thereby also reducing cholesterol, Curcumin+ (anti-oxidative and enhances the immune system) and Nutri Liver (for liver detox).
The results of this diabetes case study were truly heartening.
Over the next few months…
Her HbA1c dropped from 10.9% to 7% (Normal is below 5.7%)
Her Triglycerides dropped from 355 to 180 mg/dl (Normal should be less than 150).
And her LDL Cholesterol (bad cholesterol) dropped from 111 to 92 mg/dl (normal readings should be less than 100).
And her Total Cholesterol dropped from 217 to 205 mg/dl (normal should be less than 200).
While some readings had normalised, her glucose levels were also seen to be steadily improving. Very happy with her results and transformation, the guest was determined to keep up with the learnings. Her faith in alternative healing was proven right yet again!

A young woman who had just started suffering from symptoms of hypertension (and wasn’t on any medication yet), was certain that she wanted to sort help and correct this before it became too late. She was also suffering from severe acidity.
When she consulted with our Doctor, this 46 year old’s blood readings showed that her RBC Count (EDTA Blood/Impedance) was 4.21million (Normal should be 4.7-6.0), her Eosinophils was 6.5 % (Normal is between 1-6!), her Homocysteine Level (Blood/CMIA) was 50 mcmol/L (Normal should be less than 16.2), and her GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE (eGFR) was 79 mL/min (Normal should be more than 90!). Even her Blood Pressure Reading was slightly high at 130/90.
She was put on a Doctor Prescribed diet and lifestyle programme. Along with hypertension, she needed treatment for her inflammation and renal infection as well.
She was told to take on Yoga and Breathing practices along with a specific fibre rich diet plan consisting of Antioxidant rich foods, Calming herbal shots, and herbal shots to reduce acid reflux. She was also put on NATURALS herbal Supplementation for sustained improvement. She was started on Omega 3 Fatty Acids (For cardio vascular health), Super AntiOx 6 (Prevents oxidative damage in the bio-system), Pre-gut (A powerful Pre-biotic that restores gut health), and Breathe Easy (Improves respiratory efficiency).
Within 2 months her Blood reports and check-up had confirmed her amazing results and transformation.
The Blood Pressure had normalised (Bp reduced from 130/90 to 110/70)! The same was evident from the reduced Homocysteine Levels which were now 35.9 (It went down from 50 mcmol/L only a few month ago). Even the weight had reduced from 88.9 to 85.4 kgs.
The breathlessness had reduced substantially along with improved energy levels. This was evident from the improvement in the RBC Count which rose from 4.21 to 4.53 Million (It was normalised). Even the Eosinophils count was down from 6.5 % to 0.43 (This had normalised as well!) Lastly, even her Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) had risen from 79 to 107 mL/min (This had normalised as well!).
She is very motivated to continue with her wellness journey and chose to continue with her prescribed diet. This is a highly successful hypertension case study!

This 49 year old young lady guest who had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism 3years ago was consumed (prescribed medication) Thyronorm 75 mg per day.
Worried about the associated weight gain (she was carrying 78 kgs of weight) she connected with our Doctors looking for a solution. Despite having followed a low carbohydrate diet in her daily life, she had failed to see any results hence was also looking for a treatment of the root causes and diet plan.
She was a very sincere and receptive guest and followed the new recommended high fat low carb with pro-biotics diet strictly. This along with NATURALS’ supplements for thyroid, and gut health. She was prescribe Thyrocare (for improved thyroid performance), Pre-Gut (Powerful pre-biotic that restores gut health, gut balance and gut function), Fat Blazer (for enhanced metabolism) and Omega 3 (for cardiac and general health).
She was also told to take on cardio and de-stressing daily activities at home like step classes, stretching, yoga & meditation!
She was very motivated and sincere and thus the results followed… she achieved an incredible weight loss of 6 kilograms (weight reduced to 72 from 78 kgs) in a matter of weeks. Even her TSH normalised (Reduced from 4.3 to 2.1) in a few months and she continued with the prescribed natural supplements.
The guest wanted to eventually lose all the excess weight she was carrying and now knew that it was possible to do so as long as she stayed on course with her new improved lifestyle (which was a combo of diet, supplementation and movement). She had also learnt to better manage her symptoms as continued on her wellness journey at home!

A 39 year old male guest had been suffering from haemorrhoids for years and as a result had been going through incomplete bowel habits, with a frequency of bowels more than 3 times a day, pain during evacuation etc. All these health concerns had majorly affected his quality of life.
He decided to get in touch with the Doctors of Atmantan Naturals. With them he was recommended an anti-inflammatory and alkaline diet, along with certain fibre rich foods etc. Along with this he was put on Naturals supplements of Pregut (Restores gut health, gut balance and gut function) and Gastrocare (Anti-inflammatory and carminative as it is a natural anti-H.Pylori supplement), Laxofresh (Improves digestion) and Virgin Coconut Oil for improving the gut immunity. He was also recommended breathing, meditation and walking for fitness.
He was surprised and overwhelmed with his transformation as his bowels regularised, their frequency reduced, and even the pain had now drastically reduced. Most importantly, all these changes occurred for him almost immediately (after the 2nd day itself of starting this diet and recommendations!) All these positively impacted his quality of life.
Atmantan Naturals Pre-Gut is a prebiotic powder that reinoculates and increases the diversity of gut bacteria and makes your gut highly hospitable for its function.
Atmantan Naturals Pre-Gut is an excellent fermentable prebiotic fiber which helps in managing all kinds of lower intestinal issues.
Atmantan Naturals Pre-Gut is a non-laxative which also has laxative properties. It helps to deal with haemorrhoids and constipation resulting from piles.
Chicory Roots Atmantan Natural’s Pre-gut powder (Inulin Powder) is obtained from Nature’s freshest Chicory Roots. The inulin in chicory root nourishes the gut bacteria, improves digestion and helps relieve constipation. Inulin-type fructans treat and reduce colitis and Crohn’s disease. Chicory-derived fructans also help handle intestinal gas loads.