Zeal Plus
Libido Enhancer
Stress getting you down? Performance anxiety keeping you from enjoying the relationship you once had with your partner? With ageing and a modern lifestyle, your virility might not be what it used to be - but it can be. Atmantan Naturals Zeal Plus is a potent herbal combination that increases natural make prowess, especially among males and improves satisfaction for both. This natural vigour enhancer boosts testosterone production, without any adverse side effects. It also improves testosterone levels & increases circulation to the genitalia & is a Natural Aphrodisiac.

Zeal Plus Benefits

Male Hormone stabiliser

Improves testosterone levels

Increases circulation to the genitalia

Natural Aphrodisiac
It’s not you, it’s life I LIBIDO ENHANCER
With all Natural Herbs and Extracts only

Safed Musli

Tribulus Terrestris


Mucuna Pruriens
How do Natural Zeal Plus Libido supplements improve health?


Safed Musli –which is a natural aphrodisiac, and this being in an extract form makes it a very potent ingredient.

Tribulus Terrestris –that Increases testosterone and is also a general health tonic.

Ashwagandha – that calms the body, lowers Blood Pressure, is a de-stressor and increases testosterone.

Mucuna Pruriens –that is also an Aphrodisiac that increases Dopamine secretion.
Who is Atmantan Naturals Zeal Plus for?

Anyone and everyone fighting

Lack of confidence

When the relationship with the partner or the performance in the bedroom isn’t what it used to be

Low libido

The effects of ageing

Premature ejaculation
How should I have Atmantan Naturals Zeal Plus?

1-2 tablets every day after meals

Get the most out of Atmantan Naturals Zeal Plus by combining it with Atmantan Naturals Testos-Max. This combination helps rectify male infertility issues. Get the most out of Atmantan Naturals Zeal Plus by combining it with Atmantan Naturals Omega 3. This combination improves blood circulation to all the vital organs, thus improving performance. Get the most out of Atmantan Naturals Zeal Plus by combining it with Atmantan Naturals AntiOx 3. This combination helps to strengthen the blood vessels and helps to improve blood circulation to male organs, thus improving performance and fertility.
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did you know?

Libido Enhancer
NATURALS - The founding Team of healers tell us about the what, how & why of Naturals
Key Benefits of Zeal Plus Vigour Supplements

Improved testosterone levels

Increased circulation to the genitalia

Naturals Aphrodisiac

Feel manly
Know male hormones better
There are 3 hormones that are the principal regulators of the male reproductive system, Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates spermatogenesis, Luteinizing hormone (LH) that stimulates the production of testosterone and Testosterone that stimulates the development of the male secondary sex characteristics and spermatogenesis! FSH can be increased with a diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins and to increase LH, one would try and increase the production of Testosterone in the body! Thus Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men that is needed to have normal reproductive and sexual function.
Most of the male testosterone is made in the testes (testicles) and a small amount is also made in the adrenal gland (in the kidney). It is testosterone that then plays a role in a man’s, sex drive or libido, making sperm, muscle mass and strength, and bone density essentially, Low libido in MEN doesn't usually happen suddenly; it can be something that happens due to age, an inability or a lack of interest in sex and is usually a gradual process that may happen over time.
There could be various cases of low libido like…
Mental distraction
Erectile Disfunction
Cultural Conditioning
Other illness leading to a lack of interest
Lack of desire
& Age
The frequency of sexual activity is not the best measure of sexual interest, and similarly many circumstances can also get in the way of an encounter, even if the desire is there; while these are the range of situations in the life of a male, these may or may not have be due to low libido. However, if one notices a deceased interest in sex or sexual desire, it is then that it will be a case of low libido. Also as people grow older, life and many happenings take precedence (as opposed to the younger years), and sometime sex isn’t the only thing on the mind.
However, when one is ready to work upon improving the sexual ability, the solution should be one that is natural and without any harmful side effects. May it be supplementation, improved diet or destressing lifestyle measures, one can work on their libido if they choose to.
It’s not you, it’s life.
Libido Enhancer

Why should you have Atmantan Naturals Zeal Plus?

This is a powerful herbal combination

And an Improved reproductive life, improves other aspects of your life…

It increases natural sexual drive and ability

You feel young and vigorous again

Improves performance and satisfaction in males

Relationship with your partner improves

Is a natural aphrodisiac

Romance becomes part of the routine again

Boosts testosterone production

General health also improves

Helps balance male hormones

You feel confident once again

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals Zeal Plus
Vs others

Better health


High Potency

Natural Aphrodisiac

All Natural

General Health Booster

Feel like yourself again

Libido Enhancer

Safed Musli Extract

Improved Virility


Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A young-looking 45-year-old male guest was a known case of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. He also had complaints of a kidney stone and reduced testosterone level. He was on a higher allopathic medication dosage for his diabetes as well. He really wanted to get to a healthier self and got in touch with the Atmantan Naturals Doctors.
He was hopeful that he could improve his sugar levels. Upon his consultation and study of his blood markers, what was most alarming was that even while on 2 sets of allopathic medications for Diabetes, his: Fasting Blood Sugar was 293mg/dl (while on medication),
Post-prandial Blood sugar was 554mg/dl And his HbA1c reports showed 12%, which indicated uncontrolled Diabetes!
He was put on a gut reset and cleanse. He was also recommended sessions of yoga, breathing practices and therapeutic stretching to improve glucose utilisation and insulin sensitivity.
Along with this, he was recommended a low-carbohydrate high-fat diet that would further help improve his blood sugar levels, along with key Naturals Supplementation. This included Dia-Solve (To better manage the blood sugar level and to lower insulin resistance), Omega-3 (To boost the fatty acid metabolism to yield energy), Testosmax and Zeal Plus (To boost testosterone production without any adverse side effects). He was also prescribed Hair Skin formula (for reducing the skin pigmentation that was a side effect of his diabetic condition) upon departure.
This young guest saw fabulous results within a month and a half…
-His Fasting blood sugar levels had decreased from 293 mg/dl (with medication) to 105 mg/dl! (Allopathic Medications were majorly tapered).
-His weight was now 57 kgs (down from 61.6 kgs)
His transformation in his sugar levels normalising was phenomenal and his steadfast belief in the Doctor-prescribed programme along with his regime had gotten him here; he was determined to maintain this progress going forward.
This formula can correct sexual dysfunctions including erectile problems. It is also a great male aphrodisiac and enhances libido and testosterone secretions.
Atmantan Naturals Zeal Plus is a great and safe herbal formula, that can treat sexual dysfunctions and sluggish libido. When taken along with Testos-max, it helps rectify male infertility issues.
Premature ejaculation is usually caused by neurological dysfunctions caused by a hormonal imbalance; The contents of Atmantan Naturals Zeal Plus also help balance male hormones.
Safed Musli or White Musli is a potent herb and is also known as the herbal Viagra. It is famously known to promote vitality, and longevity and for its potent health benefits on male sexual health and is also known to be an excellent adaptogen (anti-stress herb)!
Mucuna Pruriens, a leguminous plant identified for its anti-diabetic properties is also an aphrodisiac with fertility-enhancing properties. Indian medicine has extensively used this in fertility formulations. An antioxidant, Mucuna Pruriens protects and improves sperm quality.
Ashwagandha is commonly used in treating all kinds of sexual issues including, the loss of libido and erectile dysfunction. Ashwagandha has been proven to raise the levels of testosterone significantly.