Anxiety is a natural response to stressful situations. Anxiety can cause debilitating panic attacks, OCD, PTSD, etc., and disrupt normal life. Atmantan Naturals’ Anxiety Supplement Kit keeps the hormones in check to negate a panic response from the brain, making these potent natural supplements for anxiety.
Atmantan Naturals’ Relax Aid contains Ashwagandha, Champaca, and St. John’s Wort – a combination that can boost the secretion of happy hormones. This supplement is a powerful mood balancer and induces deep relaxation and sleep. These are extremely effective among natural supplements for anxiety management.
The brain is about 70% fat and Atmantan Naturals’ Omega 3 helps the brain to function better and control the over-stimulus of the nervous system. Thus, these Omega 3 pills are essential natural supplements for managing anxiety.
Atmantan Naturals’ Probio S.B.O. is a spore-based organism probiotic that positively influences the gut microbiota and, subsequently, the gut-brain axis, thereby supporting mental health, including anxiety and depression.
Atmantan Naturals’ Pre-Gut addresses that anxiety and depression in some cases can be a result of impairment and imbalance of the GBA (Gut Brain Axis) and is hence a natural supplement for anxiety. The Pre-biotic fibres in the supplement help repair the gut and nourish the bacterial flora that influences our mental disposition ensuring they act as natural panic attack supplements.
These anti anxiety supplements combo works towards improving the gut and brain health, making them potent natural supplements for panic attacks.
In This Package
Anxiety Supplement kit

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