Fat Blazer
Feed Your Physique Right
Truth is that we all crave a healthy and in-great-shape body just as much as we crave the next slice of cake. It’s all about which craving really triumphs. Atmantan Naturals Fat Blazer is a physician-formulated supplement that supports optimum weight loss. This formula targets obesity in a scientific manner. It works on the brain neurotransmitters to boost fat metabolism and curb cravings. This slimming formula burns excess fat, modulates hunger, and helps manage cravings.

Fat Blazer Benefits

Improved Metabolism

Curbs Cravings

Helps you stay healthy
Slim Chance I Better body Better life
With All Natural Extracts Only

Garcinia cambogia

Green tea extract

Green coffee extract

Nut grass extract
How Do Fat Blazer Supplements Help for Weight Loss?


Garcinia cambogia -400mg

Green tea extract - 200mg - Burns Fat. Increases Energy Expenditure.

Green coffee extract -150mg - Inhibits Fat Absorption. Encourage Fat Metabolism.

Nut grass extract – 100mg - Balances Kapha Dosha. Anti-inflammatory
End all toxic relationships. Especially the one with your body.
Who Is Atmantan Naturals Fat Blazer For?

Anyone and everyone fighting


Stubborn Fat

Hormone Imbalances

Sluggish Metabolism

Urge to Stress/Emotional Eat
How Should I Have Atmantan Naturals Fat Blazer?

1-2 tablets everyday after meals

Get the most out of Atmantan Naturals' Fat Blazer by combining it with Atmantan Naturals' Omega 3. This combination improves blood circulation and general health thanks to all the beneficial short chain fatty acids.
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did You Know

Better Body Better Life
Key Benefits of Natural Weight Loss Supplement

Fights Obesity

Curbs Cravings

Improves Metabolism

Lowers Cholesterol

Better Nutrition


Know Your Metabolism Better
Metabolism is a broad term for all the chemical processes going on inside your body; this continuous process is what allows for physical living and functioning. These include the process of breaking down the nutrients from our food and the process where the nutrients are then used to build and repair the body.
More muscle equals a faster or higher metabolism. Since we lose muscle as we age, metabolism slows down with age. And since the male species have more muscle mass, larger bones, and lesser body fat, they have a better metabolism than the female species (Even twice as fast).
The 3 main purposes of metabolism are one- the conversion of food such that it enables energy to run cellular processes, two- the conversion of food also into amino acids, which are the building blocks for proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, etc. and three- enables the elimination of nitrogenous wastes.
These purposes are what makes having a healthy metabolism crucial.
When one enquires about your Basal Metabolic Rate Metabolism (BMR), the number is what denotes the quantum of energy you use up daily as you live; the BMR accounts for roughly 65 to 70 percent of the total caloric expenditure, and if this is low, it denotes a sluggish metabolism.
Natural and safe ‘fat burners’, as the name suggests, improves the rate of metabolism and keeps the body in fat-burning mode (as they convert the body’s fat into energy). Even though metabolism slows down with age.
In fact, our metabolic rate starts changing during the early years itself, and its rate decreases by 10 percent each decade after the age of 20!
We can rev up our metabolism. By strength training, following the right diet (high in protein), getting good sleep, topping up on fibre and healthy fats, and staying away from foods with high preservatives, we can promote fat burning and metabolism even as we age. Basically, a healthy lifestyle that wards away inflammation and hormonal imbalance also keeps metabolism at its best.
Feed Your Physique Right

Why Should I Take Atmantan Naturals Fat Blazer?

Boosts metabolism

Encourages weight loss

Mental balance so that you don’t seek comfort in food

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals Fat Blazer
VS Others

Natural Ingredients


No Side-effects


Gut Friendly

Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A 21 year old young man suffering from osteoarthritis, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and a consequent weight gain. He also had been suffering from childhood Asthma (since the age of 5). Along with all this and thanks to his hectic lifestyle, he was also suffering from gastric issues such as bloating, burping flatulence along with disturbed sleep.
Looking for relief from symptoms of IBS which had further aggravated due to lack of sleep he was advised to improve his lifestyle and dietary habits. He was told to improve his sleep hygiene, and take on yoga and other fitness; He was also recommended a grain-free diet to combat the inflammation, he was told to supplement his diet with Atmantan Naturals’ Relax-aid (for sleep), Gastro care (for gut health), Boswellia Max (to combat inflammation and joint pain), Natflam 6 (for musculoskeletal pain), Pro-Collagen (to enhance bone and joint health), Fat Blazer (increases metabolism and modulates hunger), and Laxo Fresh (improves digestion and addresses gastric issues).
After 3 months of following the recommended diet and supplementation, all his symptoms of gastric irritation had subsided, and even his acidity and bloating were gone! (His bowel movement were regularised too).
His sleep (on most days) had doubled to 8 hours of restful shut-eye instead of the 4 hours he use to get. Even his osteo-induced pain had reduced, and he had lost some weight (10+ kgs) as well thanks to the improved lifestyle.
This young guest had with the guidance of the doctors managed to improve his lifestyle and associated lifestyle disorders. People like him are always an inspiration to others, and it is never too late to get started on a healing journey.

A 53-year-old lady suffering from complaints of weight gain, sluggishness, and thyroid dysfunction, along with early morning stiffness and pain in all the joints, decided to consult with the Naturals Healers.
She went through an in-depth Doctor consultation and recommended testing, wherein she was also found to be suffering from severe inflammation in the body; With high cholesterol issues and a borderline blood pressure concern along with her other pressing symptoms of weak digestion, obesity, and hypothyroid.
She was prescribed therapeutic fasting to start with detox as per Naturopathy principles for the initial few days post which she was told to consume an anti-inflammatory meal plan that was high on anti-oxidants, natural probiotics, moderate carbohydrates, and higher fat. This prescribed diet was to be supplemented with Atmantan Naturals’ Omega 3 fatty acids (for assisting in reducing systemic inflammation) Digestive Enzymes (to improve digestion and fight gut inflammation), Thyrocare (to manage thyroid dysfunction and to activate the conversion of thyroid hormones), Nutri Liver (For Live detox and health) and Fat Blazer (for improved metabolism).
She was also recommended fitness sessions, along with yoga classes to activate her thyroid functions along with creating a lifestyle that helped her better manage her stress.
The result after 2 months was that her TSH came down from 4.3 to 2.3 uIU/ml (it had now normalised!) and her inflammatory marker (such as ESR) had dropped from 68 to 33 and the C Reactive Protein (A high CRP reading is a sign of acute inflammation) had come down to 2.02 from 8.3! Even the pain and stiffness around the joints have significantly reduced, (she was not having any difficulty with stiffness in the early mornings anymore).
And since her blood pressure had also streamlined, and her lifestyle had improved with a normalised TSH, she had thus also managed to lose 5 kgs of weight.
Upon getting her blood reports done, the transformation was further quantified as the values had all reduced significantly in just a short period of time. Over time even the Stool examination revealed that the gut inflammation (which existed in the beginning) had disappeared!
Through the following year as she continued on her healing path, her total Cholesterol also normalised (when it reduced from 219 to 159)! This included her Triglycerides having dropped from 106 to 97, while her good cholesterol had improved from 45 to 47!
Needless to say, the results were fabulous, and her sheer will and hard work, along with the guidance of the doctors had gotten her here.

This 44 year old lady guest who is a known case of Type 2 Diabetes, had also been struggling to lose weight for a while. She decided to consult with our healers because she had heard of our Diabetes Reversal approach!
Upon consultation and diagnostics, our Doctors realised she was not a case of Type 2 Diabetes but was in fact insulin resistant! Since she was already on Diabetic medications, her fasting blood sugar on admission was 103 mg/dl. And she also shared that she had been suffering from disturbed sleep.
She was prescribed a strict anti-inflammatory diet along with indigenous therapeutic shots for heart health, Diabetes control, and insomnia. She was also prescribed the Atmantan Naturals’ supplements of Dia-solve (for her insulin resistance), Digestive Enzymes (to improve digestion and combat gut inflammation), Fat Blazer (as a fat burner), Omega 3 (for General Health) and Anti-ox 3 (Powerful anti-oxidant that protects against DNA damage).
She followed this regime after 2 months not only had her sleep improved tremendously, but she had gotten off her diabetic medications completely and lost weight!
- Her fasting blood sugar was down to 90 mg/dl from 103 mg/dl (and this was achieved without her regular allopathic medications!).
- Losing weight that had always been impossible for her had also been conquered, as she had now finally tackled some of the inflammation in her body and managed to lose 4+ kgs. Feeling extremely positive at not just losing weight but also at having learned to manage her diabetes naturally, she was determined to continue to stay on this path of transformation.

This 49 year old young lady guest who had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism 3 years ago was consuming (prescribed medication) Thyronorm 75 mg per day.
Worried about the associated weight gain (she was carrying 78 kgs of weight) she connected with our Doctors looking for a solution. Despite having followed a low carbohydrate diet in her daily life, she had failed to see any results and hence was also looking for a treatment of the root causes and diet plan.
She was a very sincere and receptive guest and followed the newly recommended high-fat low carb with pro-biotics diet strictly. This along with NATURALS’ supplements for thyroid, and gut health. She was prescribed Thyrocare (for improved thyroid performance), Pre-Gut (Powerful pre-biotic that restores gut health, gut balance, and gut function), Fat Blazer (for enhanced metabolism), and Omega 3 (for cardiac and general health).
She was also told to take on cardio and de-stressing daily activities at home like step classes, stretching, yoga & meditation!
She was very motivated and sincere and thus the results followed… she achieved an incredible weight loss of 6 kilograms (weight reduced to 72 from 78 kgs) in a matter of weeks. Even her TSH normalised (Reduced from 4.3 to 2.1) in a few months and she continued with the prescribed natural supplements.
The guest wanted to eventually lose all the excess weight she was carrying and now knew that it was possible to do so as long as she stayed on course with her new improved lifestyle (which was a combo of diet, supplementation, and movement). She had also learned to better manage her symptoms as she continued on her wellness journey at home!

A 17-year old boy who was diagnosed with class III obesity (BMI of 40 or higher) associated with borderline high blood pressure connected with the Atmantan Naturals Healers. He had gained weight basically due to a sedentary lifestyle and overeating.
He had also been suffering from frequent migraine attacks. Symptoms also included him feeling palpitations and breathlessness even on mild to moderate exertion, use to regurgitate whenever he had a heavy meal! Besides all this, he also wasn’t able to physically cope-up with his day-to-day activities. He had been suffering from these for a while, and this had now made him more anxious… it was decided that he needed to check into a wellness centre for supervised help and that is when he decided to come to Atmantan Wellness centre for a transformation.
On admission, the Doctor ran diagnostics and learned that his blood pressure was 138/88mmHg (Normal should be 120/80 mmHg) and his Body Mass Index (BMI) was 47.8 (Normal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9). After taking a detailed case history, the Doctors put him on a personalised retreat for 28 days. The clear objective was to work on improving all his lifestyle habits while also educating him on the importance of routine exercise and healthy eating practices.
During his programme, he was put on an integrated fitness regime that included activities along with some prescribed deep muscle treatments to manage the delayed onset muscle soreness and to improve joint mobility, along with Colon hydrotherapy.
He was put on a strict diet plan that included phases of low carb, moderate fat, and high protein diet along with a detoxification diet. Along with all this, he was also put on essential NATURALS supplementation of Gastro Care (For relief from gastritis & indigestion), Omega 3 (Essential fatty acids for cardiac health), Anti-ox3 (Powerful lipid anti-oxidative formula), Digestive Enzymes (For improved digestion and gut health) and Fat Blazer (To curb cravings and improve metabolism)! Besides exercises and treatments, he was put on a diet plan that included phases of low carb, moderate fat, and high protein diet along with a detoxification diet.
His results as expected were truly impressive.
At the end of his programme of 28 nights, he had nearly lost around 18 kgs (Almost 650 grams a day)! There was a significant reduction in his visceral fat as well, which came down from 20 to 15! His BMI was brought down from 47.8 to 42.2. There was a great reduction in his fat mass along with a decent increase in his muscle mass too.
What was also superb was the fact that this overall weight loss has also helped improve his symptoms of breathlessness and palpitations. Even the migraine attacks had now significantly reduced in frequency and intensity. The brilliant turnaround also came with his food cravings that were now under control; He was satiated with his prescribed meals and the controlled portions, all of which eradicated his regurgitation. Thanks to his new healthier self, he was also able to keep his energy levels high and improve his gait.
What was truly inspiring in this obesity case study, is that his entire outlook on life had now completely changed; he had lost his double chin, his face looked naturally sculpted, he had dropped 4 sizes, and had become very confident about himself. At a young age, he had now learned to take charge of his life in a healthier and more informed way! He carried his lifestyle plan and supplementation home with him.

This lady guest was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and had been living with this condition for over 7 years. She was as a result of this suffering from morbid obesity. While being fed and constantly putting on weight (despite following several diet plans), she decided to consult with the Atmantan Naturals Doctor looking for a solution.
This 45 year-old was told to check into Atmantan Wellness Centre for supervised results. Her reports at the time of check-in showed that her Fasting Sugar level was 150 mg/dL (normal should be 99 mg/dL) and PP sugar was 200 mg/dL (normal should be less than 140 mg/dL). She was also on a daily 1000 mg (metabolic inhibitor class of medicine used when suffering from Diabetes) allopathic tablet.
At Atmantan she was put on an integrated Doctor guided programme right away in an attempt to reverse her diabetic condition and provide her with much-needed support for her weight loss. Her programme was designed as a 16-week one.
After running diagnostics, it was realised that while she weighed 96 kilograms and had a visceral fat reading of 19, she was suffering from insulin resistance! The treatment protocol consisted of treating the root cause (with diet and supplementation) while addressing the high visceral fat, insulin resistance, and on-going inflammation in her body. The daily schedule included personal workouts, Yoga, low-resistance training, and physiotherapy for better alignment. She did all this and also had Ayurvedic and detoxifying therapies recommended to her which also included acupuncture.
Her prescribed diet was a high-protein, low-carb one which also included anti-inflammatory and Diabetic shots. Along with all this, she was also put on Atmantan NATURALS herbal supplements of DiaSolve (For improved insulin sensitivity) Fat Blazer (For improved metabolism), and Anti-Ox3 (As it arrests & reverses oxidative damage at a cellular level).
She had a miraculous transformation after 16 weeks… she had dropped 33 kilograms of weight (She was now down to 63 kgs from 96 kgs), and this included a pure Fat loss of 25 kilograms! Even her visceral fat had dropped 10 points! (Her reading had now gone to 9 from 19, and she had now achieved the desirable range for Visceral fat).
Along with all these transformations, she had now managed to completely reverse her insulin resistance and had completely stopped her past medication! In fact, at departure, her fasting sugar had dropped to 100 mg/dL (from 150 mg/dL) and her post-meal sugar had come down to 138 mg/dL (from 200 mg/ dL). She had achieved almost-normal readings!
She left Atmantan with a far greater understanding of her condition; She continued to stay in touch with the Doctors and was determined to take this journey forward in her days at home (she also carried back prescribed diet charts) and continue with the NATURALS supplementation that treats the root cause of the disease and not just the symptom. She was now better educated on her condition and was motivated to better self-manage.

This lady guest had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism 3 years ago & was on prescribed medication of Thyronorm 75 mg per day.
She was naturally also worried about the associated weight gain and connected with the Atmantan Naturals healers looking for a solution. Despite having followed a low carbohydrate diet in her daily life, this 49-year-old had failed to see any results and hence was also looking for a treatment of the root causes and a diet plan.
She was a very sincere and receptive guest when it came to sticking to the plan curated for her; the doctors recommended tests to understand muscle and fat scoring and energy balance. Post analysis, she was put on a personalised lifestyle and diet plan.
Over the next month and a half, she stuck to a high-fat low-carb diet with probiotics. Along with her diet, she supplemented with Atmantan Naturals’ OMEGA 3 Fatty acids (Preventive formula for the heart, skin, bones, and brain), THYROCARE (For improved thyroid performance and hormone balancer), SUPER ANTIOX 6 (Prevents oxidative damage & inflammation in the bio-system), and FAT BLAZER (For improved metabolism).
She was also told to add a fitness routine that included personal training and physiotherapy sessions that was to include a mix of active stretching, core strengthening, fat-burning & metabolism-inducing workouts. Along with these, she was told to take on Yoga practices for de-stress.
She followed the given protocol to the tee and was rewarded for her hard work within 2 months with an incredible weight loss of 6 kilograms (with all the hypothyroid symptoms almost gone) and this included a reduced visceral fat reading as well.
The guest had tried to lose weight all along but had never been able to in the past; She was extremely grateful for the diet & lifestyle protocol that made her feel energetic & active throughout the day! This became another successful hypothyroidism case study for all of us.
She continues with the prescribed diet, fitness plan, and the NATURALS’ supplements … she now knows how to better manage her symptoms and continue on her wellness journey even at home!

This male senior citizen guest had complaints of very high Blood Pressure (he was on medication for this twice a day) and also carried extra weight. He was also a light smoker (3 cigarettes a day). An easygoing yet analytical guest, this 66-year-old chose to consult with the Atmantan Naturals healers for some result-oriented wellness!
The gentleman’s main objective was to lose weight and get his BP under control. He was diagnosed as suffering from Hypertension after some recommended preliminary tests.
He was told to get on a gut cleansing programme that included a low carbohydrate diet and some days of a liquid diet (of fruits and vegetables). All this cumulatively detoxed him. He was also prescribed NATURALS’ supplements Omega 3 (For heart health), Anti Ox 3 (To arrest & reverse oxidative damage at a cellular level), Fat Blazer (For improved metabolism), and Dia-Solve (For improved insulin sensitivity).
By the end of 2+ months, there was an incredible weight reduction of 9 kilograms (From 78 kgs to 69 kgs!), and his visceral fat reading also dropped (From 18 to 16)! Another amazing transformation was that the guest was now convinced to quit smoking and this further helped improve his BP readings, which also dropped from 160/110 to 140/90! The results were highly desirable in this hypertension case study.
He has now learned how to continue with this improved quality of life back and is enjoying the benefits of his regained health.
Atmantan Naturals Fat Blazer is a nutrient combination for optimum metabolism and healthy weight loss. It targets molecules that have a role in fat metabolism and appetite control.
This supplement is a healthy weight management programme that works by suppressing appetite and activating fat burning process in the body. It also works on accumulated belly fat which is quite stubborn and hard to lose.
· Green tea extract metabolises fat by reducing food intake, interrupting lipid emulsification and absorption, suppressing adipogenesis and lipid synthesis and increasing energy expenditure via thermogenesis, fat oxidation and faecal lipid excretion.
· Green coffee extract – Green coffee extract reduces the fat reserves in adipocytes and regulates blood glucose by several mechanisms. Accordingly, green coffee extract supplementation may be effective in weight management, glucose and lipid metabolism
· Garcinia cambogia is a fat-fighting botanical; a tropical fruit native to Indonesia with proven healthy weight loss support benefits. The secret is that it contains high amounts of hydroxy citric acid. This substance has been clinically shown to have a positive impact on belly fat accumulation. It may also inhibit the enzyme citrate lyase, which produces fat in the body.