Nutri Liver
Maintain Your Body’s Maintenance Department
Along with regulating blood sugar and creating essential nutrients, the liver has the unenviable job of eliminating all the toxicity we allow into our bodies, both intentionally and unintentionally. Heavy metals from the environment, pesticides found in our food, lifestyle habits like alcohol, smoking, fast food would create havoc in our systems if not for the relentless housekeeping of the liver. But like all good housekeepers, the only way you notice its work is when it’s absent. It’s about time to take your liver a little less for granted and give it a bit of love with effective liver support supplements. Natural liver support supplements can be your ideal allies for detoxification and enhancing overall vitality. Atmantan Naturals' popular liver health supplement Nutri Liver is a natural Hepato-protector that helps address liver issues.

Nutri Liver Benefits

Counters liver damage

Improves the health of the liver

Toxin elimination

For Estrogen dominant conditions
Empower Your Liver I The Liver Transformer
With all Natural Extracts & Ingredients Only

Milk Thistle (80% Silymarin)

Boerhavia Diffusa


Turmeric Root Extract

Caper bush
How Does Nutri Liver Supplement Improve Liver Health?


Milk Thistle (80% Silymarin) – 200mg - Antioxidant. Enhances hepatic glutathione..

Boerhavia Diffusa – 300mg - Rehabilitates the liver from past infections, effects of alcohol and jaundice.

Bhumyamlaki – 200mg - Reverses liver damage. Hepato-protective. Antioxidant. Antiviral.

Turmeric Root Extract (Curcumin) – 50mg - Anti-oxidant. Anti-inflammatory.

Caper bush – 50mg - Reverses Liver damage. Stabilises blood sugar. Anti-inflammatory.
Who Is Atmantan Naturals Nutri Liver For?

Anyone and everyone fighting

Fatty Liver


Menopausal issues

Suffering from Estrogen dominant conditions

Men suffering from Insulin resistance

Poor digestion
How Should I have Atmantan Naturals Nutri Liver?

1-2 tablets everyday after meals

Get the most out of Atmantan Naturals Nutri Liver by combining it with Atmantan Naturals' Omega 3. This combination improves blood circulation and general health. Thanks to all the beneficial short-chain fatty acids.
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did You Know

Empower Your Liver
NATURALS - The founding Team of healers tell us about the what, how & why of Naturals
Key Benefits of Nutri Liver Detox Supplements

Liver Detoxification

Effective Waste Elimination

Improves Estrogen Metabolism

Menopause Support



PCOD Support

Fatty Liver Support

Liver Recovery from Antibiotics/Infections
Know Your Liver Better
Our liver is the largest glandular organ we have and the second largest organ after our skin!
To better understand the liver, one must know that it performs over two hundred functions, and all of them simultaneously. While also being the powerhouse that removes waste and foreign substances from the blood stream, it also supplies glucose to the brain, combats infections, and stores vitamins & nutrients.
It also contains fat (10 % of the our liver is fat) and when this fat increases, we suffer from a condition called a ‘fatty liver’. This condition also puts us at risk of Type 2 diabetes.
As the supreme detoxifier in the body that cleanses the blood of toxins like alcohol or drugs, the liver also creates blood that circulates in our body… it is no surprise that liver health is paramount.
Lastly, the most important fact is that our liver is the only organ in our body that can regenerate itself! This also means that it is never too late to start taking care of your liver... give it a chance to heal and perform at its best, your body will be grateful.
Maintain Your Body’s Maintenance Department

Why Should I Take Atmantan Naturals Nutri Liver?
This healing formula helps…

Reduce inflammation

Detox the liver

Eliminate waste

Repair a fatty liver

Helps with cirrhosis

Reduce the effects of lifestyle habits like stress, smoking, alcohol and processed food

Improves estrogen metabolism

Reduces the symptoms of menopause

Helps men who are overweight, and/or insulin resistant

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.
Atmantan Naturals Nutri Liver
VS Others

Natural Ingredients


No Side-effects


Gut Friendly

Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

Case study of a 70 year old lady post her Chemo and Radiation Treatment for Lung Cancer
This 70 year old lady guest got in touch with our healers in September of 2022, with the hope of getting well after several life-changing incidents.
She had been diagnosed with primary lung cancer (for which she had undergone Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy in March ‘22). She had also been previously diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019, for which she had gone through a lumpectomy. Another health concern was her back, as she suffered from a prolapsed intervertebral disc and had also had spinal surgery in 2010. Recently she had also suffered the loss of her husband, and she especially felt anxious and depressed.
Along with her deteriorating health conditions, she constantly felt tired, fatigued and was experiencing a loss of appetite along with low energy. All this had severely lowered her confidence levels.
She wanted to heal.
She was put on a diet plan that consisted of a low carbohydrate and a moderate protein and fat one. She was prescribed super foods with plenty of antioxidant-rich ingredients and probiotics to help set the gut and revive immunity. Apart from the dietary prescription, she was also put on supplements that enhance recovery and immunity; these supplements were Atmantan Naturals’ Curcumin+ (Contains pure turmeric extract and is an immunity booster), Anti-Ox 3, Super Anti-ox 3 (Anti-Oxidants) Nutri liver, Natflam 6 (for inflammation) and Defence Max (natural viral defence and boosts immunity).
She was told to take up grief counseling and also to compulsorily partake in monitored group activities for fitness and social interaction. She was also recommended physiotherapy sessions along with certain energy healing therapies.
Within the month itself, she started seeing transformative changes in herself…
- She noticed her sleep had improved,
- She felt more energetic
- Her appetite had also started to return and she felt she could eat at meal times
- And her body felt more supple and lighter
And all the above was accompanied by mood elevation and the same was confirmed by the Naturals Doctor who was monitoring her progress. She was slowly and steadily becoming her positive self again and felt better in her day-to-day-life.

A 20-year-old young girl who was suffering from recent weight gain (over the last 6 months), darkened discolouration at the back of the neck, inner thighs and under arms, also had complaints of cystic acne, and thickened white discharge (with a history of a vaginal yeast infection).
No investigations had been conducted for her and she had simply been treated with antibiotics and topical steroids for her skin. After the antibiotic course, she even started developing severe nausea and the acne on her skin increased instead of decreasing.
As a conscious youngster, she was desperately looking for a solution to her weight and pigmentation. She got in touch with our healers.
Certain blood tests were recommended and upon results, the Doctor realised that she was insulin resistant and that her infection was of a fungal origin!
She was immediately started on Atmantan Naturals’ Supplementation of replenishment with a higher dose of Omega 3 fatty acids along with Dia-Solve (for Insulin efficiency), Pre-gut (Prebiotics for gut health), Hair Skin Formula (Repairs hair and skin), Pro Collagen (for skin, bone and cartilage health), and Nutri Liver (Enables liver detox and health). Besides this, she was also prescribed a therapeutic meal plan that also consisted of fasting therapy along with a high intake of antioxidant-rich foods.
She was also told to take on a routine that consisted of 1-2 hours of fitness activities daily consisting of a mix of Yoga and cardio workouts.
She was under the monitoring of the Naturals Doctor and had stayed on track with the recommended programme. She started noticing changes as she started losing weight (She lost 6 kgs in the following weeks) and her vaginal discharge had also completely disappeared.
There was also a significant reduction in the dark black discolouration at the back of her neck, her underarms, and inner thighs; Naturally, her state of mind had also improved tremendously. Her insulin resistance had also lowered (evident from weight loss and changes in her blood markers) due to the Omega 3 fatty acids, Dia-solve along with a low carbohydrate diet that she was following. This transformation along with the desired weight loss had created positive changes in her attitude as well.
Atmantan Naturals Nutri Liver helps in optimal liver function, bile production and liver detoxification, thereby reversing fatty liver conditions and associated issues.
Milk thistle and curcumin have shown positive effects as supportive treatment in most forms of liver disease including damage due to alcohol and NAFLD. The mechanism of action is attributed to its antioxidant activity.
This liver-friendly supplement is a fantastic choice if you:
- Consume alcohol in moderation.
- Are exposed to heavy metals and mycotoxins.
- Are concerned about healthy ageing.
- Milk thistle: The active complex of MT is a lipophilic extract from the seeds of the plant and is composed of three isomer flavonolignans (silybin, silydianin, and silychristin) collectively known as silymarin. Silymarin, a powerful polyphenol acts as an antioxidant and reduces free radical production and lipid peroxidation and has antifibrotic activity. It enhances hepatic glutathione and may contribute to the antioxidant defence of the liver.
- The most important curcuminoid of turmeric, it is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that prevents apoptosis and promotes cell proliferation and angiogenesis. It is a free radical scavenger that supports the liver in its fight to protect your body from a constant barrage of toxins.
- Phyllanthus niruri and Boerhaavia diffusa– These herbal remedies have strong Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) reversal properties.