Thyro Care
Restore your thyroid balance
Atmantan Naturals' Thyro Care is a combination of ashwagandha, zinc and selenium - vital ingredients that will help you manage thyroid problems. This zinc and selenium supplement plays a vital role in the conversion of T4 to T3. As if that isn’t enough, Thyro Care also helps reduce cellular thyroid resistance and increases the cellular availability of thyroid hormones! Thyro Care is widely consumed to successfully manage subclinical or early hypothyroidism and autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis as well. (Hypothyroidism is more common in women.)

Thyro Care Benefits

Balances hormones

Increases T3 thyroid hormone

Improves Thyroid performance

Mood stabiliser

Supports Weight management
With All Natural Extracts and Ingredients only

Aswagandha Extract



How does Thyro Care Help to Manage Thyroid Problems Naturally?
Atmantan Naturals' Thyro Care is a powerful herbal combination of Ashwagandha, Zinc and Selenium.


Ashwagandha Extract (also known as the Indian Ginseng) that activates and boosts thyroid activity

Zinc that improves hormone synthesis

Selenium for hypothyroidism as it improves the thyroid function.

Iodine which is a vital supplement. for thyroid hormone production.
Who should have Atmantan Naturals' Thyro Care?

Atmantan Naturals' Thyro Care is for people with


How should I have Atmantan Naturals' Thyro Care?

1-2 tablets right after food.

A combination of Atmantan Naturals' Omega 3, Atmantan Naturals Pre-Gut and Atmantan Naturals' Thyro Care can truly help with improving hormonal imbalance. Please note this formulation is not recommended for pregnant women.
Explore Management KitsAtmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Have any queries?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.
Did you know?

Types of thyroid dysfunction - Hypothyroidism Part 1
Key Benefits of Natural Thyroid Supplements

Stimulates the Endocrine System

Iodine Supplement

Balances Hormones

Reduces Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

Heals from Autoimmune Conditions



Is your thyroid messing with your weight?
Weight gain is a common concern for people across the globe. Hormonal imbalances can disrupt your metabolism and cause weight management issues both in men and women, irrespective of age. Hormones like Testosterone, Estrogen, Cortisol, Insulin, Progesterone, and the thyroid hormone Triiodothyronine (T3) all play an important role in our metabolism. When a hormonal imbalance occurs due to many factors like age, nutrition, illness, or stress, it throws the entire system out of whack!
The thyroid gland is essential to the endocrine system. The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located near your throat and it produces thyroid hormones that influence your metabolic activity. This gland secretes the key thyroid hormones - triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).
These hormones play an important role in the regulation of our weight, energy levels, internal temperature, skin, hair, nail growth, and more.
Many factors like stress, poor gut health, impaired liver function, and a high-preservative diet can hinder your body’s conversion of T4 to the active T3 form!
In some cases, it can also lead to an underactive thyroid causing hypothyroidism. A decreased thyroid function thus is associated with weight gain
Hypothyroidism is a condition that occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough of the thyroid hormones. This may be due to an autoimmune condition, (such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) or certain side effects from medications. Hypothyroidism can also occur due to a pituitary dysfunction, such as a pituitary tumor or even inflammation.
When the conversion of T4 to T3 is poor in the body, the metabolism slows down. Due to this, we are unable to burn off calories as quickly, which then leads to inevitable weight gain.
Along with weight gain, one also experiences common hypothyroid symptoms that may include tiredness, mental depression, feeling cold more easily, a puffy face, dry skin, constipation, and menstrual irregularities. Hypothyroidism is often hereditary (runs in families) and is more commonly seen in adults (and especially in women).
Blood tests and proper Dcotor intervention will enable you to arrest thyroid dysfunction sooner than later. And the good news is that an anti-inflammatory diet, de-stressing lifestyle, supplementation, and optimising gut health can help manage and even reverse!
Restore and activate your thyroid function.

Why should I have Atmantan Naturals’ Thyro Care?

Helps reduce cellular thyroid resistance.

Improves conversion of T4 to T3.

Increases the cellular availability of thyroid hormones.

With no side effects, Thyro Care can be taken alongside thyroid allopathic medicines. One can start with taking 1 to 2 tablets a day.

Call our dedicated medical helpline if you have more questions.
If you are experiencing any digestive problems, consult with our doctors now. A stronger digestive system improves the quality of your life far more than you realise.

Unique solution for complete Thyroid health

Can be used uniquely for both Hypo and Hyperthyroidism

All Natural

Patented Formula

Good for hair and skin

Improves Hormonal Response

Safe for All Ages

Fights PCOD as well

Improves Metabolism

Wisdom of Ayurveda for Today’s Problems
Atmantan Naturals is also backed by a team of doctors who can guide you.
Want to know if this is for you?
Do call our dedicated medical health-line to get a better idea of how best our range of nutraceuticals can help you stay well and at your strongest.

A 53-year-old lady suffering from complaints of weight gain, sluggishness, and thyroid dysfunction, along with early morning stiffness and pain in all the joints, decided to consult with the Naturals Healers.
She went through an in-depth Doctor consultation and was recommended testing, wherein she was also found to be suffering from severe inflammation in the body; With high cholesterol issues and a borderline blood pressure concern along with her other pressing symptoms of weak digestion, obesity, and hypothyroid.
She was prescribed therapeutic fasting to start with detox as per Naturopathy principles for the initial few days post which she was told to consume an anti-inflammatory meal plan that was high on anti-oxidants, natural probiotics, moderate carbohydrates, and higher fat. This prescribed diet was to be supplemented with Atmantan Naturals’ Omega 3 fatty acids (for assisting in reducing systemic inflammation) Digestive Enzymes (to improve digestion and fight gut inflammation) and Thyrocare (to manage thyroid dysfunction and to activate the conversion of thyroid hormones).
She was also recommended fitness sessions, along with yoga classes to activate her thyroid functions along with creating a lifestyle that helped her better manage her stress.
The result after 2 months was that her TSH came down from 4.3 to 2.3 uIU/ml (it had now normalized!) and her inflammatory marker (such as ESR) had dropped from 68 to 33 and the C Reactive Protein (A high CRP reading is a sign of acute inflammation) had come down to 2.02 from 8.3! Even the pain and stiffness around the joints was significantly reduced, (she was not having any difficulty with stiffness in the early mornings anymore).
And since her blood pressure had also streamlined, and her lifestyle had improved with a normalised TSH, she had thus also managed to lose 5 kgs of weight.
Upon getting her blood reports done, the transformation was further quantified as the values had all reduced significantly in just a short period of time. Over time even the Stool examination revealed that the gut inflammation (which existed in the beginning) had disappeared!
Through the following year as she continued on her healing path, her total Cholesterol also normalised (when it reduced from 219 to 159)! This included her Triglycerides having dropped from 106 to 97, while her good cholesterol had improved from 45 to 47!
Needless to say, the results were fabulous, and her sheer will and hard work, along with the guidance of the doctors had gotten her here.

This lady guest had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism 3 years ago & was on prescribed medication of Thyronorm 75 mg per day.
She was naturally also worried about the associated weight gain and connected with the Atmantan Naturals healers looking for a solution. Despite having followed a low carbohydrate diet in her daily life, this 49-year-old had failed to see any results and hence was also looking for a treatment of the root causes and a diet plan.
She was a very sincere and receptive guest when it came to sticking to the plan curated for her; the doctors recommended tests to understand muscle and fat scoring and energy balance. Post analysis, she was put on a personalised lifestyle and diet plan.
Over the next month and a half, she stuck to a high-fat low-carb diet with probiotics. Along with her diet, she supplemented with Atmantan Naturals’ OMEGA 3 Fatty acids (Preventive formula for the heart, skin, bones, and brain), THYROCARE (For improved thyroid performance and hormone balancer), SUPER ANTIOX 6 (Prevents oxidative damage & inflammation in the bio-system), and FAT BLAZER (For improved metabolism).
She was also told to add a fitness routine that included personal training and physiotherapy sessions that was to include a mix of active stretching, core strengthening, fat-burning & metabolism-inducing workouts. Along with these, she was told to take on Yoga practices for de-stressing.
She followed the given protocol to the tee and was rewarded for her hard work within 2 months with an incredible weight loss of 6 kilograms (with all the hypothyroid symptoms almost gone) and this included a reduced visceral fat reading as well.
The guest had tried to lose weight all along but had never been able to in the past; She was extremely grateful for the diet & lifestyle protocol that made her feel energetic & active throughout the day! This became another successful hypothyroidism case study for all of us.
She continues with the prescribed diet, fitness plan, and the NATURALS’ supplements … she now knows how to better manage her symptoms and continue on her wellness journey even at home!

Stressed out and fatigued, this 73 year old gentleman got in touch with the Naturals Healers to learn to better manage his hypothyroidism. He also suffered from an associated insomnia & carpal syndrome symptoms.
Blood investigations and Autonomic Nervous System tests were conducted to evaluate the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic balance
While being overweight, he was also suffering from arthritic pain and neck stiffness; The plan was to address his weight, joint swelling, and sleep enhancement.
The diet was recommended with controlled calorie portions along with NATURALS’ supplements of Thyrocare (For improved thyroid performance and weight management), Gut Revive (Nourishes the gut microbiome), Boswellia Max (Reduces pain and swelling in the joints), Relax Aid (mood balancer & promotes sound sleep) and Omega 3 (For general health).
All these help restore hormonal balance and relaxed the mind and body. He was recommended physiotherapy for his carpal tunnel syndrome as well. For fitness he was recommended yoga, meditation and stretching along with hydrotherapy classes.
His recovery was gradual yet consistent. Soon he felt his joint swelling improve as his range of movement was improving. He also within a week got rid of his allopathic sleeping pills and weight loss had also begun! Considering he was in his early 70s, he still lost weight thanks to his new improved lifestyle (almost 7-8 kilograms) and this made him feel great. Even as a hypothyroid case study, these were brilliant results in weight loss.
The guest was extremely pleased with how his body had responded to the diet plan and lifestyle and he continued with the prescribed diet and supplement plan.

This 49 year old young lady guest who had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism 3years ago was consumed (prescribed medication) Thyronorm 75 mg per day.
Worried about the associated weight gain (she was carrying 78 kgs of weight) she connected with our Doctors looking for a solution. Despite having followed a low carbohydrate diet in her daily life, she had failed to see any results hence was also looking for a treatment of the root causes and diet plan.
She was a very sincere and receptive guest and followed the new recommended high fat low carb with pro-biotics diet strictly. This along with NATURALS’ supplements for thyroid, and gut health. She was prescribe Thyrocare (for improved thyroid performance), Pre-Gut (Powerful pre-biotic that restores gut health, gut balance and gut function), Fat Blazer (for enhanced metabolism) and Omega 3 (for cardiac and general health).
She was also told to take on cardio and de-stressing daily activities at home like step classes, stretching, yoga & meditation!
She was very motivated and sincere and thus the results followed… she achieved an incredible weight loss of 6 kilograms (weight reduced to 72 from 78 kgs) in a matter of weeks. Even her TSH normalised (Reduced from 4.3 to 2.1) in a few months and she continued with the prescribed natural supplements.
The guest wanted to eventually lose all the excess weight she was carrying and now knew that it was possible to do so as long as she stayed on course with her new improved lifestyle (which was a combo of diet, supplementation and movement). She had also learnt to better manage her symptoms as continued on her wellness journey at home!

A 59 year old female guest with low morale had severe complaints of weight gain. With a history of having suffered from Appendicitis surgery and post her two C-Section deliveries, she had put on some weight. However a year after both her children were born, she was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism (24 years ago) and to make things worse, she was now since a year also suffering from type 2 Diabetes. She was suffering from mental stress which were only worsening her health parameters. She was on medications for both these along with blood pressure medication.
She was hoping the Atmantan Naturals healers would help her deal with her many health concerns along with addressing the associated weight gain!
She was very keen to take control of her life and turned out to be a very receptive guest who wanted to get well! After a detailed health consultation and report analysis, it was seen that:
Her HbA1C was at a high at 8 % while on medication (Normal Range should be below 5.7%) and even her fasting blood sugar was high at 172 mg/dL (below 100 is normal). Her Thyroid readings were normal as she was on medication (TSH – 0.077 mIU/L, T3 – 100.8ng/dL, T4 – 10.51µg/dL).
A Low-Carb-High-Fat diet which was also anti-inflammatory in nature. Along with she was advised to take on yoga, stretching and meditation was recommended. This was so that there would be an improvement the blood circulation along with assisting in fat mobilisation.
In order to accelerate her recovery, she was also put on NATURALS supplementation of Dia-Solve (which reduces insulin resistance and regulates blood sugar), Super Antiox 6 (To reduce free radical damage), Omega 3 (For cardiac health and to reduce thyroid resistance), Thyrocare (To regulate thyroid hormone levels) and Nutri Brain (To reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to the central nervous system).
After just a few weeks she saw inspiring results… She was a receptive patient who was rewarded with brilliant results!
- Her blood sugar had normalised with the help of diet and supplementation! Her fasting blood sugar was reduced to 99 mg/dL from 172mg/dL (and she was now consuming just half of the allopathic dosage).
- She had also achieved a weight loss of 5+ kgswhich was incredible considering she was suffering from hypothyroidism!
- She even lost 1 point of Visceral fat(Her Visceral Fat was 16 at arrival and 15 at departure)
She was very pleased with her achieved transformation and was determined to continue on the journey. She now felt empowered and positive that she was becoming a healthier person for her children and herself! She continued with her diet and supplements, and stays connected with our Doctors as she continues this healthy lifestyle.
Atmantan Naturals Thyro Care is a herbal combination of Ashwagandha, Zinc and Selenium.
- Reduces cellular thyroid resistance
- Improves conversion of T4 to T3 hormone
- Increases cellular availability of thyroid hormones
Yes. Atmantan Naturals Thyro Care is highly recommended for subclinical hypothyroidism and for autoimmune thyroid conditions like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Yes. Atmantan Naturals Thyro Care treats all dysfunctions of the thyroid gland. It is also good for subclinical or early hypothyroidism. It can help treat obesity, if it is related to a thyroid gland problem.
The key ingredients are:
Ashwagandha – The RejuvenatorAshwagandha is a medicinal herb with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-anxiety, immuno-modulatory, sedative, and hormone-balancing properties.
Ashwagandha boosts thyroid hormone levels by stimulating the endocrine system. It increases T3 thyroid hormone levels, which regulates mitochondrial energy production, producing energy and helping burn fat, thereby, providing symptomatic improvement in hypothyroidism patients.
Ashwagandha is also useful in treating subclinical hypothyroidism by reducing TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone).
Zinc and Selenium are required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, and deficiency of these elements in the body leads to hypothyroidism. Interestingly, thyroid hormones are essential for the absorption of zinc, and hence hypothyroidism can result in an acquired zinc deficiency.
Hair loss associated with hypothyroidism also improves with increased Zinc intake.