Success Stories
Hypertension And Weight Loss Case Study

This male senior citizen guest, had complaints of very high Blood Pressure (he was on medication for this twice a day) and also carried extra weight. He was also a light smoker (3 cigarettes a day). An easy going yet analytical guest, this 66-year-old chose to consult with the Atmantan Naturals healers for some result-oriented wellness!
The gentleman’s main objective was to lose weight and to get his BP under control. He was diagnosed as suffering from Hypertension, after some recommended preliminary tests.
He was told to get on a gut cleansing programme that included a low carbohydrate diet and some days of a liquid diet (of fruits and vegetables). All this cumulatively detoxed him. He was also prescribed NATURALS’ supplements Omega 3 (For heart health), Anti Ox 3 (To arrest & reverse oxidative damage at cellular level), Fat Blazer (For improved metabolism) and Dia-Solve (For improved insulin sensitivity).
By the end of 2+ month, there was an incredible weight reduction of 9 kilograms (From 78 kgs to 69 kgs!), and his visceral fat reading also dropped (From 18 to 16)! Another amazing transformation was that the guest was now convinced to quit smoking and this further helped improve his BP readings, which also dropped from 160/110 to 140/90! The results were highly desirable in this hypertension case study.
He has now learnt how to continue with this improves quality of life back and is enjoying the benefits of his regained health.