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Gout is a metabolic disorder caused by uric acid accumulating in the joint spaces. A diet rich in refined sugar causes an excess of purine and fructose – which the body breaks down through protein metabolism, which in turn creates uric acid. Local swelling, inflammation, and painful joints are common symptoms of gout which a gout relief supplement must combat; Atmantan Naturals’ Gout Supplement Kit addresses gout in an effective way so as to avoid painful and permanent complications like arthritis and other joint deformities. This natural gout supplement combo is an incredible anti-inflammatory solution for those suffering from pain in the big toe or in the ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, or fingers!
Atmantan Naturals’ Omega 3 acts as a natural Resolvin to quell inflammation in gout or gouty arthritis. It helps with pain management and reduces acute or chronic inflammation by bringing a balance in the Omega 3 vs. Omega 6 ratio.
Atmantan Naturals’ Virgin Coconut Oil helps flush out the uric acid build-up before it has a chance to create issues in the body. In addition to doing routine housecleaning of our bio-system, virgin coconut oil is also a great alternative source of energy to protein.
Atmantan Naturals’ Natflam-6 effectively combats the formation of inflammatory cytokines with its six-herb proprietary formula inspired by Ayurveda. It effectively treats all kinds of inflammatory arthritis including gout.
In This Package
Gout Supplement kit

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