Success Stories
Post-covid Recovery Is Always Possible, You Only Need To Start Working On Your Health.

This lady guest consulted the Atmantan Naturals’ healer with complaints of difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, excessive tiredness (and these symptoms seemed to get worse after physical activities). She also suffered from tightness in the chest, persistent cough, chest pain with pounding heartbeat, and an increase in migraine episodes. Along with all this, she was also suffering from general body ache and indigestion.
After a detailed history, our Doctors got to know that this 44 year-old had recently suffered from the COVID infection. It was also hence confirmed that all of her symptoms clearly indicated compromised immunity. She was advised to immediately get on a programme to boost her immunity.
On our Doctor’s advice, she got certain blood tests done as well. Her reports revealed an increase in her CRP level which is evidence of a severe inflammation in the bio-system. In fact this test gave us a clear picture of a post-covid complication with dysregulated immune system. She started her programme with the ultimate goal of boosting her immunity through prescribed dietary changes.
Her diet was based on an intake of anti-inflammatory foods and a high protein diet. Along with this, she was recommended the supplementation of Atmantan Naturals’ DEFENCE MAX (for improved immunity), CURCUMIN+ (anti oxidative and immunity enhancer), ALLERGY CARE (reduces histamine load and shields from allergies) and VIRGIN COCONUT OIL (for enhanced brain, skin and metabolic health).
She was also told to take on Yoga and breathing practices and after 3 weeks this routine effectively helped relieve her breathlessness & the congestion in the chest gradually but surely. (Initially her breathing ratio was 1:0:1 which was improved to 1:2:4 inhalation: hold: exhalation). This was evidence of a tangible improvement in her physical state.
She had also started feeling more energetic and even her sleep quality had improved tremendously. She now felt an ease in breathing, and while doing her daily activities.
She assured us that she would continue to follow her diet and eventually intended increasing her workout and gradually intended moving towards strength training as well. Her recovery this far gave her strength to get back to pre-covid state of health!