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Bronchitis is a common respiratory disorder which can occur at any age. Its symptoms are often chronic and persistent cough either dry or wet, caused by either an allergy or an infection. This can cause breathing issues due to bronchospasm. Atmantan Naturals’ Bronchitis Supplement Kit as a natural treatment bronchitis, addresses the allergy responses and also the underlying infection.
Atmantan Naturals’ Allergy Care desensitises the receptors that induce allergic bronchitis. The herbs are strong natural antibiotics. It treats the biofilm coating and reduces inflammation of the airway tract.
Atmantan Naturals’ Breathe Easy contains the herb Vasa (Adathoda Vasica) which helps reduce broncho-spasms and acts as a strong expectorant. Bronchitis is often triggered by environmental allergies, which this supplement counters.
Atmantan Naturals’ Curcumin+ is a strong anti-oxidant, and anti-microbial molecule which improves the immunity of respiratory health.
Atmantan Naturals’ Probio S.B.O. is a potent probiotics mix that positively influences the immune system and modulates inflammation, thereby improving the severity and duration of respiratory infections like bronchitis through the gut-lung axis.
Atmantan Naturals’ Omega 3 is one of the most natural and safest anti-inflammatories available. Countering inflammation plays a major role in treating acute or chronic allergies.
As a combo, these are natural supplements for bronchitis management and thus serve as natural antibiotics for bronchitis.
In This Package
Bronchitis Supplement kit

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